Episodes: Series - Kelmteen We Bas - 2016

  • season 1
  • episode #1

The Charlatan

The maid advises the lady of the house to go to the charlatan to reveal to her the mystery of the many problems she has with her husband. The charlatan asks the lady of the house to leave her gold in order to please the jinn so that they can leave her house, and the lady agrees.


  • season 1
  • episode #2

The Potbelly and the Dogs

Sayed finds that his old suit has become unsuitable for his body. His wife advises him to go on a diet and take a walk, but as he leaves the house, he finds himself attacked by a pack of dogs. He rushes back to his wife and admonishes her for her idea, which almost caused the dogs to finish him off.


  • season 1
  • episode #3

The General Manager

A citizen asks the secretary of the general manager to meet the latter, but he tells him that the manager isn't in the office. The citizen comes to ask about the manager on another day, but the secretary tells him that the red lamp is lit, which means that the manager has a committee meeting.


  • season 1
  • episode #4


When Sayed tells his friend Abdu that the book fair has opened and asks him to go with him to buy some books, Abdu tells him that he hasn't read a book for a long time, upon which Sayed advises him to go back to reading again.


  • season 1
  • episode #5

The Water Is Shut Off

Sayed returns early from work and goes to the bathroom to take a cold shower to cool himself off, then the water gets shut off, so he turns to his wife, Tafidah, who tells him that the water gets shut off on a daily basis at this time and saves him from the soap that got into his eye.


  • season 1
  • episode #6

The Eid's Sheep

As Tafidah asks her husband about the sheep of Eid al-Adha which is approaching, Sayed tells her about several problems he will face before he receives the sheep, including where he will put it and how they will slaughter it, and he is unable to find a solution to these problems.


  • season 1
  • episode #7

The Bathroom Ceramic Tiles

As Sayed Effendi asks his wife about the ceramic tiles which he saw in the entrance hall, she tells him that the empty apartment is bought by a man who decided to replace the tiles in the apartment with new ceramic ones. Sayed wakes up every day to the sound of workers working in his neighbor’s apartment.


  • season 1
  • episode #8

I Want a Villa

Tafidah tells her husband, Sayed, that she wants a villa on the northern coast. Sayed asks his wife Tafidah about her dreams, and she tells him that she wants to own a villa on the sea, like those women she reads about in the newspaper.


  • season 1
  • episode #9

The Crowding

Sayed Effendi waits for his lifetime friend, Abdu Effendi, at the cafe, but he is late. Sayed is worried about his friend, until Abdu Effendi arrives, whereupon Sayed asks him about the reason for his lateness, so he tells him that it's because of the crowding in the Greater Cairo Area.


  • season 1
  • episode #10

The Heat

Sayed Effendi sits with his lifetime friend, Abdu Effendi, and asks him about the severe heat wave in the country. Abdu Effendi tells him that he has never witnessed such a heat wave in his life and that it is due to the ozone depletion caused by the major countries.


  • season 1
  • episode #11


As Abdu Effendi says that scientists in America have discovered the planet Mars, Sayed tells him that the Arabs discovered the sun before them. When Sayed asks his friend Abdu about the time taken from Earth to Mars, he tells them that the scientists have covered the distance in 7 months.


  • season 1
  • episode #12

Donkeys' Joking

As Sayed Effendi visits his relatives, he arrives a few minutes early. The man takes him to the reception room, then the young man's son sticks his tongue out to Sayed Effendi and insults him, upon which Sayed Effendi gets angry at the child and tells the father.


  • season 1
  • episode #13

The Cleanliness

As Sayed Effendi goes to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea, he sees a cockroach on the ground and chases it with all his energy, but he fails to kill it, after which he enters into a conversation with his wife about the cleanliness of the kitchen.


  • season 1
  • episode #14

The Health Card

As Sayed Effendi asks his friend, Abdu, to eat with him in the restaurant, Abdu tells him that this restaurant doesn't have a health card which makes the food questionable due to lack of supervision. He also tells him that all restaurants that have a health card must put it in the restaurant's front.


  • season 1
  • episode #15

The Mother's Ignorance

The mother asks her son about today’s lesson, and the child tells her that the teacher told him that the Earth is round, so the mother gets angry and tells him that this is wrong and that she will ask his father to take him out of school.


  • season 1
  • episode #16

Animal Welfare

Sayed Effendi gets angry when he sees a man harshly beating his horse, thinking that the horse intends not to move with the load he is overburdened with. Sayed Effendi tells him that he will not leave him and will go to file a report against him for what he did to the horse.


  • season 1
  • episode #17

Cheeseweed with Rabbits

Sayed Effendi asks his wife, Tafidah, to make him cheeseweed with rabbits, but she tells him that the children do not like it at all, while Sayed insists that Tafidah cooks it for him.


  • season 1
  • episode #18

No Meat Anymore

Sayed Effendi tells his wife that he will not eat meat anymore, especially since his lifetime friend, Abdu Effendi, got sick and went to the hospital because of it, and the doctor told him that he suffers from high cholesterol, asking him to stop eating meat completely.


  • season 1
  • episode #19

Admitting Mistakes

As Sayed Effendi asks the carpenter to make him a closet. he makes it after two months. When Sayed complains that the doors are difficult to open, the carpenter tells him they'll get soft. Sayed tells the carpenter about another defect in the closet, but he refuses to admit his mistake.


  • season 1
  • episode #20

The Air Conditioning

As Tafidah asks her husband, Sayed Effendi, that they go on a trip with the children to Alexandria, he tells her that he will not be able to do that after he bought the air-conditioning last year thanks to her advice, and that he pays every month the installments which costs him a lot.


  • season 1
  • episode #21


When Sayed Effendi asks his lifetime friend, Abdu, to stop smoking, Abdu tells him that he decides every year to stop smoking but fails, upon which Sayed tells him that smoking is very harmful to health and wastes money.


  • season 1
  • episode #22

Early Marriage

As Bayoumi asks his wife, Umm Hussein, why she's constantly thinking, she tells him that she's thinking of marrying off their daughter Samira, but he tells her that she's still young. Days pass and Bayoumi agrees to the marriage of his daughter Samira, who gives birth at an early age and is very sick.


  • season 1
  • episode #23

My Daughter's Suitor

When Sayed Effendi asks his friend, Hosni, about the reason for his absence from the cafe, Hosni tells him that a suitor has proposed to his daughter and that he is concerned after she asked his wife and her relatives to hold the wedding in a 5-star hotel as he does not have enough money for that.


  • season 1
  • episode #24


Sayed Effendi sits at the cafe with Abdu and reads the newspaper. He then tells Abdu Effendi that he is very upset after reading that drug dealing is the third top economy in the world after food commodities and arms trade. He also tells him about the disadvantages of drugs and money laundering.


  • season 1
  • episode #25

The Teenager

Sayed Effendi tells his lifetime friend, Abdu Effendi, that his son has become distracted, anxious all the time, and does not listen to anyone. He also tells him that he suspects that his son is taking drugs, but Abdu tells him that this happened to his son as well, which is normal for teenagers.


  • season 1
  • episode #26

Consanguineous Marriage

Tafidah tells her husband that her sister's son wants to propose to their daughter, Souad, but Sayed tells her that he disapproves of the matter, especially since this marriage will be consanguineous and will result in many health problems and weak offspring.


  • season 1
  • episode #27

Qays and Layla

Sayed Effendi asks his lifetime friend, Abdu Effendi, if there is someone who loves and adores these days like Qays and Layla, and Abdu Effendi answers him that he does not think so, especially since Qays had no other choice than Layla.


  • season 1
  • episode #28


As Sayed Effendi notices that his son does not pay much attention to studying, he asks him to work hard to get good results in the exams, but the boy tells him that the result is out of his hands, whereupon the father tells him that if he studies hard, he will get what he wants.


  • season 1
  • episode #29

The Cigarettes (Finale)

Tafidah tells her husband, Sayed Effendi, that she found out that their son smokes cigarettes. As Sayed tells his friend Abdu about his problem, Abdu Effendi tells him to advise his son to stay away from cigarettes because of the great psychological, health, and financial damage it causes.
