Wesal is transferred to a psychiatric hospital because she wanted to expose a corruption crime, while Nagdat refuses to live with Hekmat after she develops Alzheimer's.
Jawad's men keep watching Dalal's building, but Joseph berates Jawad for failing to get the CD. With Sobhi's help, Dalal devises a plan to switch places with Wesal, who's in the hospital.
Dalal tells Nagia of her secret plan, after which she exchanges clothes with Wesal at the hospital, and the latter escapes in order to get revenge on Jawad and his partners.
Jawad's men storm the hospital to interrogate Dalal. Meanwhile, Wesal searches for the CD after she hid it in Nagia's home. Julie tells Joseph of her failure to find Wesal.
Sabah confesses to Sobhi and Wesal that Julie knew about the plan. Siham tells Sobhi that the CD has gone missing, and because of Siham's illness, Wesal stays with her in the hospital.
Joseph and Julie try to find Wesal, who transfers Siham to Hekmat's school and continues escaping with Sobhi. Jawad's men threaten Abu Nour to force him to convey Wesal's news.
After Wesal looks for the person who bought the books that Nagia sold without knowing of the CD's presence among them, she is surprised to find them in a huge printing house.
Julie storms the hospital and meets Dalal. Hekmat expels a member of the gang who broke into her house. Meanwhile, Jawad turns to Abu Yazan to save him from his predicament with Joseph.
Nagdat expels Julie after visiting her. Wesal discovers that the CD is fake. Nagia accepts to secretly marry Assi. Joseph threatens Siham and Hekmat to get them to confess to him where Wesal is.
Dalal claims insanity. Wesal and Sobhi eavesdrop on Jawad's men, while Hekmat finds a gun belonging to a member of the gang in her home.
Assi scolds Nagia after her neighbor visits her and tries to get close to her. Abu Fouad offers Nagdat to buy her apartment; meanwhile, Abu Nara and Abu Acra drug Siham and plant cameras in her apartment.
Hekmat agrees with Wesal on a plan to subdue the former in the face of Joseph's threat and begins to implement it. Abu Acar informs Julie of what he learned about the recordings.
Julie watches Siham during a fake meeting with Wesal. The latter and her friend send a letter to a newspaper to announce that they have found a briefcase containing evidence proving the corruption of three important people.
Abu Yazan reassures Jawad that he has erased his dealings with Joseph, and the latter threatens Hekmat after the article is published. Wesal discovers Nagia's possession of the book in which she hid the CD.
Nagia continues to search for the CD. Hekmat reproaches Nagdat for her marriage to Abu Fouad. Meanwhile, Wesal arranges to travel to Beirut to search for the CD.
Wesal arrives at Nagia's house and meets Walid. A member of the gang offers Abu Nour a sum of money in exchange for the CD. Jawad assigns Abu Nara to monitor Abu Yazan.
Joseph assigns Julie to get rid of Sobhi. As Wesal tells Nagia about what happened to her, they discover that the CD was moved to Walid's apartment by mistake and that his relative Maral took it from there without her knowledge.
Abu Acar informs Julie that her recordings with Joseph are with Jawad. Wesal, Nagia, and Walid travel to Syria without knowing that the CD is not there.
Hekmat discovers that the CD has been lost and informs Wesal about Joseph's threat to kill her. Jawad assigns Abu Yazan to kill Joseph, unbeknownst to them that his spy is eavesdropping on them.
Abu Acar tells Julie about the date of carrying out Joseph's murder, after which Abu Yazan is killed. Wesal visits Hani's house and discovers that there is a woman who assumed her identity and received the CD instead of her.
Wesal suspects that Abu Nour stole the CD, so she ties him up and threatens him to make him return it. Jawad discovers that Joseph is watching him and that he killed Abu Yazan.
Abu Nour haggles with Wesal and Hekmat over his requests. As Wesal contacts Ghaida, they agree on a date to retrieve the CD from her.
Wesal gives up on her plan to expose the gang in order to protect her family. Sobhi receives the CD from Ghaida. Julie kidnaps Abu Acar's mother to force him to kill Jawad, who discovers his betrayal.
Hekmat offers Joseph to hand him the CD for an exorbitant amount of money. Sobhi has an accident on his return and discovers that the CD has disappeared from his belongings in the hospital.
Wesal fails to find out the location of the CD due to Sobhi's coma, and after he wakes up, it becomes clear that he has amnesia, and Jawad kidnaps Siham.
Abu Nara announces to Wesal that Siham has been kidnapped. Sal and Sabah help Sobhi regain his memory. Joseph accuses Hekmat of manipulating him.
Wesal stumbles on the CD. Sobhi regains his memory, while Wesal returns to manipulating Joseph in retaliation for his kidnapping of Siham.
Abu Nara shoots Joseph, but he survives. Wesal publishes Hala's corruption files and puts pressure on the gang, so they release Siham. As Nagdat runs away from the house, Sabah is assigned to search for her.
Wesal hides the money she took from the gang without handing them the CD. Jawad kills Abu Nara. Taher tells Julie about Wesal's new plan to expose the gang.
Wesal and Dalal expose the gang. Wesal continues to expose the corruption of businessmen. Assi cheats on Nagia, and Hekmat discovers Abu Nour's lies.