Title Content: Movie - Fun Mom Dinner - 2017


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Knowing each other through their children's preschool class, four mothers decide to get to know each other better by going out to dinner together. What begins as an unmitigated disaster due to their different personalities soon develops into a bond as they find major commonalities between them.

When four moms of pre-school children, meet up to have an innocent dinner, they find out that having pre-schoolers isn’t the only thing they all have in common and start experiencing a piece of their feminism they hadn’t felt in a long time.


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When four moms of pre-school children, meet up to have an innocent dinner, they find out that having pre-schoolers isn’t the only thing they all have in common and start experiencing a piece of their feminism they hadn’t felt in a long time.

When four moms of pre-school children, meet up to have an innocent dinner, they find out that having pre-schoolers isn’t the only thing they all have in common and start experiencing a piece of their feminism they hadn’t felt in a long time.