Title Content: Movie - Elgamila We Elkelab/ Aala Kaf Ifrit - 2017


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Inspired by a true story that happened on September 3rd 2012, in which a girl was raped by two security officers in the Ain Zaghouan area of ​​Tunisia. Between police stations and the emergency rooms of the hospital, the raped Mariam lives chapters of physical suffering and emotional pain.

During a student party, Mariam, a young Tunisian woman, meets the mysterious Youssef and leaves with him. A long night will begin, during which she’ll have to fight for her rights and her dignity. But how can justice be made when it lies on the side of the tormentors?


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During a student party, Mariam, a young Tunisian woman, meets the mysterious Youssef and leaves with him. A long night will begin, during which she’ll have to fight for her rights and her dignity. But how can justice be made when it lies on the side of the tormentors?