Episodes: Series - Once Upon a Time S5 - 2015

  • season 5
  • episode #1

The Dark Swan

Emma meets Merida while coming to terms with the darkness within herself. To locate Emma and securely return her home, Emma's family and friends will stop at nothing.


  • season 5
  • episode #2

The Price

As Prince Arthur plans a party in Camelot, darkness descends in Storybrooke, prompting residents to look for a rescuer.


  • season 5
  • episode #3

Siege Perilous

In Camelot, a royal ball takes place, but a sinister turn of events compels David and Robin to intervene. In the meantime, Hook tries to bring Emma back to the light in Storybrooke as Regina puts her strength to the test in an effort to protect Emma.


  • season 5
  • episode #4

The Broken Kingdom

Emma sizes the opportunity to steal the Excalibur sword amidst Rumplestiltskin's return, and King Arthur's true identity is disclosed.


  • season 5
  • episode #5


Emma and Regina come up with a scheme to set Merlin free, but they are missing a crucial component. Merida tries to complete a secret job Emma has given her. As Henry asks Violet to go on a date, Mary Margaret and David search for a significant dagger.


  • season 5
  • episode #6

The Bear and the Bow

Can Gold and Merida be the heroes they need to be when they are put to the ultimate test? To get in touch with Merlin, King Arthur must assist, but can he be trusted?


  • season 5
  • episode #7


Emma meets the first dark one when she feels her darkness is being tested. On the other hand, Excalibur's history is unveiled.


  • season 5
  • episode #8


Hook puts everything on the line just to reveal the truth about the part Emma played in Camelot.


  • season 5
  • episode #9

The Bear King

Merida receives Mulan and Red's assistance to reveal the truth about her father's death.


  • season 5
  • episode #10

Broken Heart

The old longing for revenge inside of Hook's heart is awakened once more. The forces of the Dark and Light are about to clash.


  • season 5
  • episode #11

Swan Song

The Dark Ones are out haunting the living souls, so they can return to the realm of the living once more, which leads to a siege being enforced on StoryBrooke.


  • season 5
  • episode #12

Souls of the Departed

On their way to free Hook from the underworld, the heroes encounter a bunch of angry souls with unfinished business.


  • season 5
  • episode #13

Labor of Love

An obstacle standing in the way of finding Hook leads the heroes to join forces with one of Snow's old friends. However, in the meantime, Hook has to defeat an obstacle of his own.


  • season 5
  • episode #14

Devil's Due

Hades orders Hook to pick three friends to spend eternity in the underworld in exchange for his freedom. However, Hook refuses and Hades threatens to throw him in the river of Lost Souls.


  • season 5
  • episode #15

The Brothers Jones

Liam, Hook's brother, pays him a surprise visit, and his return might be the answer to Hades' defeat, and a flashback shows how strong their bond was when their merchant ships got hit by the storm.


  • season 5
  • episode #16

Our Decay

Zelena and Regina argue as Belle and Rumple get back together. Gold opens a portal to Storybrooke, and Snow and David attempt to communicate with their son Neal from the Underworld.


  • season 5
  • episode #17

Her Handsome Hero

As Belle asks Rumplestilskin to save her child from Hades, they argue over his use of dark magic, and Belle asks him never to use his powers in evil.


  • season 5
  • episode #18

Ruby Slippers

A flashback shows us Mulan and Red in Oz, where they meet Dorothy. The three of them witness Zelena coming into Oz, and they make a plan to get rid of her. However, Dorothy suddenly disappears.


  • season 5
  • episode #19


Hades and Zelena are reunited again, and he tells her about his plan to escape the underworld once and for all. Cora shares something from her past that is going to change the lives of Zelena and Regina.


  • season 5
  • episode #20


Hades asks the heroes to help him return Zelena from Rumplestiltskin and Peter Pan. In a flashback, we see Emma searching for answers about her family while also starting an unexpected friendship.


  • season 5
  • episode #21

Last Rites

After their return to StoryBrooke, Emma, Robin, Regina, David, and Henry all have to deal with Hades. He continues to trick Zelena and tries to put his plan of taking over the town, using an Olympian Crystal into motion.


  • season 5
  • episode #22

Only You

Robin Hood's death breaks Regina's heart. Henry swears to destroy all kinds of magic.


  • season 5
  • episode #23

An Untold Story

Emma and Regina try to find Henry before Gold does. Zelena, Hook, Snow, and David are all held captives in a strange land.
