Rocky روكى

When the heavyweight boxing champion Apollo Creed announces his willingness to accept a challenge from a local boxer, small-time boxer Rocky Balboa takes him up on his offer and poses a challenge Apollo never accounted for.

Despite his success in defending his boxing title against Rocky, Apollo Creed insists on a rematch to prove that Rocky's star performance was a one-time fluke. He launches a brutal smear campaign to coax Rocky out of retirement.

Five years after winning the heavyweight championship, Rocky has grown so complacent with his training that newcomer Clubber Lang manages to take his title after inadvertently killing his mentor. Crippled by depression, Rocky turns to his old foe Apollo to help him get back in shape.

When a Russian boxer named Drago kills Rocky's friend Apollo in the ring, the guilt-ridden Rocky vows to avenge his friend and takes on the Russian boxer himself.

After suffering brain damage and becoming broke, Rocky Balboa reluctantly retires and starts coaching the talented yet raw boxer Tommy Gunn. But when Tommy turns his back on him, Rocky decides to fight back.

Rocky is back again, but this time as a retired boxer enjoying a stable life among his fans who remember his glory days. Rocky then decides to have his final fight with heavyweight champ (Mason) for the title of greatest boxer in history.

Former World Heavyweight Champion Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) starts training Adonis Creed, the son of his late friend and fierce rival: Apollo Creed.

Adonis Creed strives for revenge after finding the man who killed his father.

In continuation of the Creed franchise, the story follows boxer Adonis Creed who strikes again in this third installment.