When the talented young surgeon, Dr. Shaun Murphy, gets a job at a prestigious hospital, he struggles to find his place among colleagues who worry that his autism and Savant syndrome could hinder his...Read more ability to communicate and help patients.
At San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital, the hospital's president advocates for the hiring of a new young doctor, as he tries to convince a reluctant board that despite being autistic, Dr. Shaun Murphy would be an asset to the hospital.
Favourite BeIn Series HD 1 Channel | Saturday 21 December | 09:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite BeIn Series HD 1 Channel | Saturday 21 December | 10:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite BeIn Series HD 1 Channel | Saturday 21 December | 11:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite BeIn Series HD 1 Channel | Sunday 22 December | 12:00 AM | Reminder |
When the talented young surgeon, Dr. Shaun Murphy, gets a job at a prestigious hospital, he struggles to find his place among colleagues who worry that his autism and Savant...Read more syndrome could hinder his ability to communicate and help patients.