Happy falls in love with the actress Sama, who refuses to marry Nadeem, and is upset by the press’ attacks on her and her personal life, and complains to Happy about the matter.
Sama agrees to Nadeem's proposal, which saddens Happy. On the other hand, Waheeb, Happy's uncle, tries to help him overcome his sadness, and Maya is upset by her uncle's extreme stinginess.
Happy takes Sama to meet his uncle, and Sama promises Maya to help her achieve her dream of acting. Abu Halim quarrels with his son for his recklessness and lavish spending.
As Waheeb tells Sama the story of his love for Rosetta, Nadeem asks Sama to quickly proceed with their marriage, and Waheeb reveals to Happy the wealth that he has been accumulating without anyone knowing.
Waheeb gives Happy some money and Happy claims that he took a loan from the bank. On the other hand, a masked man steals the club’s safe.
As Waheeb dies in the hospital, Happy is accused of stealing the club's safe, and the police arrest him.
Happy tells the police officer that the money he has was given to him by Waheeb. Sama returns from her trip and tries to help Happy prove his innocence. Samer tries to convince Maya to seize her uncle's money.
Abu Halim, the club owner, decides to drop the report against Happy after discovering that his son Sami had stolen the safe. Happy is released from prison, and Sama decides to break off her engagement to Nadeem.
Maya throws Samer out of the house because he insists on knowing where her uncle's money is. Sama helps Maya get an acting role in her new series. Nadeem quarrels with Happy after Sama confesses her love for him.
Sami commits suicide, Maya consoles Robert in his grief over his brother, and Nadeem vows revenge on Happy.
Sama's father is angry about breaking off her engagement to Nadeem and asks Happy to stay away from her. Happy invites Sama, Robert, and Maya to travel to a camp to help Robert forget his sorrows.
Happy revolts and refuses to let his brother stay in his uncle's room. Happy opens a new restaurant, and Robert tries to get close to Maya.
Sama starts filming her series, and Happy asks Robert to return to his family's house, and he agrees to his engagement to Maya.
Sami's father remains sad about his son's separation, and Sama worries about Nadeem's threats to take revenge on Happy. Moreover, Happy asks Sama to marry him.
Nadeem tries to take advantage of Sama's travel to separate her from Happy, however, Happy listens to Sama and Lara's conversation and decides to stay away from her, but Sama agrees to marry him.