Suhail marries Shams because his first wife, Muza, can't have kids. But when Muza becomes pregnant, the conflicts between the two wives begin. Shaheen refuses to reconcile with Sorour, and his brother, Suhail, accuses him of burning Sorour's house.
Suhail warns his brother Shaheen and asks him to leave the neighborhood. Shaheen plots with Tarish, Suhail's son, to take revenge on him. Suhail's body gets burned and he dies. Sorour incites the people of the neighborhood to take revenge on Shaheen.
Everyone argues about Suhail's burial, and Shaheen insists on burying him himself and to have the funeral at the home of his son Tarish. Hamda blames Umm Abdullah for not asking for Shaheen's daughter's hand until now. The Sheikhs meet to investigate Suhail's death and the burning of the house.
Hamda learns that Shaheen is behind burning Sorour's house and Al-Fareej. Rashid refuses to let Shaheen run Suhail's business, and he learns that Shaheen has proof that Suhail mortgaged his property to him before he died. Muza asks her son to take over his father's business.
Tarish tells Rashid that he's taking over the management of his father’s business, and Rashid refuses because his brother Hamad is an heir too. Shaheen asks Al-Mutawa' to judge between them and provides documents confirming his ownership of Suhail's business.
Tarish accuses Rashid of being complicit with Shaheen in stamping his father's transferring of property papers. Halima reveals that she is the cause of Shaheen's scar when he tried to rape her in the past.
Atshan exposes Shaheen in the village and tells everyone that the scar on his face is by Halima. Atshan takes shelter in Shaheen's house, unaware that Shaheen is searching for him to have him murdered.
Maryam blames her sister Noura for helping Atshan, while Rashid quarrels with Shaheen when the latter decides to search all of the neighborhood's homes to find Atshan.
Rashid decides to rebuild Sorour's house and the village after the fire. Shaheen makes Tarish think that he paid off Suhail's debts, and he searches for Suhail's business papers and books everywhere. Shaheen's daughter tells Hamda that she loves Atshan.
Shaheen's daughter tells Atshan that she loves him, and her sister blames her for helping him against their father. Shaheen takes over Suhail's debt books and demands that the people pay them, and Shams decides to pay people's debts.
Shaheen tells Tarish that the people's debts papers are with him. Halima tells Shams that Atshan is in Shaheen's house, and Atshan threatens to kill him.
Atshan escapes from Shaheen's house and the latter continues to search for him and removes his bodyguard for suspecting that he's his accomplice. The people are surprised that their business and trades are taken away from them. Hamad returns home and is shocked by his father's death.
Hamad berates his brother, Tarish, for his cooperation with his uncle Shaheen. The people pressure Faisal into confessing to Shaheen's theft of Suhail's money and forging the mortgage papers.
Muza asks Shams to give her the ring and keys to their husband, Suhail. Hamad tells his uncle Shaheen that he knows his forgery of the mortgage papers, and he will take his father's inheritance. The people discover Shaheen's manipulation with the sailors and persuading them to work with him.
Hamad prevents Khalaf from controlling the sailors upon Shaheen’s order, and his mother, Shams, encourages him to continue talking to the workers and persuade them not to cooperate with Shaheen. Faisal is paralyzed and the people try to help him.
Muza asks Tarish to take his father's ring by force from Shams's house. Shaheen asks Hamad to marry his daughter, Noura, and promises to return his money.
Muza proposes for her son Tarish to ask for the hand of his uncle Shaheen's daughter. Shaheen is surprised to see Hamad and the townspeople with Atshan, and he shoots Atshan, the thing that enrages the people as they vow revenge on Shaheen.
Shaheen tells Abu Saif that, prior to his death, Suhail asked him not to tell anyone about his debts. Atshan reveals to the people that Hamda witnessed Shaheen's burning of the village and Sorour's house. Abu Saif threatens Shaheen to tell the Council of Elders about what he's doing.
Atshan's mother blames her son for what happened to Noura because of him, and Shams tries to interrogate Hamda about her condition. Noura makes fun of Atshan's name in front of Shaheen, and he decides to take revenge on him.
Muza tells her son, Tarish, that she has all of his father’s money, but she needs the keys that Shams has. Shaheen agrees to his daughter’s engagement to Abdullah.
Hamda asks Noura to feign being sick so that no one will ask to marry her. Khalfan admits to Sheikh Fahd and to the people that he burned Sorour's house and the neighborhood. The Captian decides to tell Hamad what he agreed upon with Shaheen, and that he did not know about their problems together.
Shaheen discovers that Khamis is not paralyzed. Rashid gives Shams and her son Hamad the money log of Suhail, and Shams tells Muza about it and gives her the key to the treasury.
Matar asks Shaheen to return to his home, and his son tells him that he wants to marry Shaheen's daughter. Hamad agrees with Sorour and Ruwaishid to give them money to work again and they can pay him back in installments.
Shaheen vows to take revenge on Atshan and kill him. Tarek and his mother Muza go to ask for the hand of Shaheen's daughter, Noura. Hamad opens his father's shops and asks Rashid to manage them as he did before.
Khamis tells Hamda that Shaheen killed his father in order to stop him from writing over his properties to his brother, Suhail. Hamad asks his mother to agree to his marriage to Nasra.
Shaheen gives Ateeq a lot of money to hide with his other money. Abu Matar's son disappears and everyone searches for him.
Shaheen severely beats Hamda and his daughter after discovering the latter's relationship with Abdullah. Shaheen insists on wedding his daughter Maryam to Tarish, and the latter is surprised when Shaheen accuses him of killing Abdullah.
Shaheen forces his daughter to marry Tarish. Shahid agrees with someone to catch Ghanem when he travels into the sea for his trade. Khamis turns to Hamad to save him from Shaheen.
Khamis reveals to everyone Shaheen's agreement with Ateeq to help him take Suhail's fingerprint after his death. Maryam escapes from Muza's house after torturing her. As Muza lies ill, Shams looks after her.
Muza returns all of the inheritance and property to Shams and her son. Shaheen is arrested and thrown into prison. Ghanem offers Hamad to marry Noura, but he tells him that she loves Atshan.