A romantic drama revolving around an engineer and his wife who live a life so tense and unstable due to their many disagreements. Their lives are further disrupted by the interference of their...Read more friends.
Bibi insists on getting a divorce after she finds out that her husband, Talal, married her best friend, Shaimaa. She ponders over love and how it gradually slackens and turns into hatred.
Favourite Abu Dhabi TV Channel | Saturday 18 January | 12:30 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Abu Dhabi TV Channel | Sunday 19 January | 08:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Abu Dhabi TV Channel | Sunday 19 January | 06:30 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Abu Dhabi TV Channel | Monday 20 January | 12:30 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Abu Dhabi TV Channel | Monday 20 January | 08:00 AM | Reminder |
A romantic drama revolving around an engineer and his wife who live a life so tense and unstable due to their many disagreements. Their lives are further disrupted by the...Read more interference of their friends.