Barhoum works at a cafe where he keeps breaking glasses, much to the ire of his manager, who is married to a suspicious woman who keeps spying on him. Barhoum's wife is unable to find a job, but she advises him to ask his manager to hire someone to help at the cafe.
When a regular guest at the cafe solves his crossword puzzle and leaves without paying for his coffee, the manager gets angry at Barhoum. As Barhoum takes a picture of his manager, who used to be a famous football player, with two fans, his manager's wife arrives.
As Faker takes a fall, Haloula asks him for a loan to open a clothes store, but Faker refuses her request. Barhoum keeps getting calls from a man who wants money from him, but when Barhoum refuses to answer, the man arrives at the cafe.
Shosho asks her husband for money to go to Turkey, but he refuses and tells her to take the money from her brother Saber or her sister Haloula. Unable to find a job, Latifa's friend asks her to get Barhoum to convince Faker to find them jobs.
As Faker appears on a panel discussing a football game, Shosho grows jealous, especially as Haloula raised her suspicion of him. During the show, Shosho calls Faker while he is on air and accuses him of lying about spending a lot of time with his family.
When Haloula wishes to start her own project, Shosho teaches her how to use the internet, and Haloula starts working in Faker's office at the cafe. When a girl is swindled in front of the cafe, the police arrest Faker.
When Barhoum's sister and nephew arrive for a visit, Latifa gets mad when his sister tries to leave her eldest son with them. Faker's relative arrives with his foreign wife and dog, much to Shosho's delight.
Shosho and Haloula are stumped when their father arrives with his foreign new wife. When their father takes his wife and her dog to the cafe, another dog attacks, leaving the wife to decide to leave her husband, much to his daughters' delight.
Shosho's father is saddened when his wife leaves the country. Faker and Barhoum dress up as they meet the girls who are applying for a job at the cafe.
As Faker becomes a trainer for the national football team and accompanies them to Germany, a photo he takes with a German girl leaves Shosho furious, but he claims that the photo is doctored.
When Shosho invites her friend to meet her brother, Sabry, on Skype, she advises Sabry to dress up. At the cafe, a guy meets the girl he met online. Latifa's friend meets a guy via Skype.
As the business flourishes at the cafe, Latifa grows jealous of Souad who works with Barhoum. Shosho spies on Faker's phone. El Sadek starts working at the cafe with Barhoum.
When Faker wins 20 billion dinars, Haloula suggests that they work together. Latifa is saddened that Barhoum is not a football player, which means that he will remain poor. Latifa's friend agrees with her boyfriend on their wedding preparations.
As both of Souad and Barhoum's nephews wish to join the football association, Haloula asks her father to mediate to get her friend's son to become a football player. Faker decides to only aid those worthy of joining the association.
When Barhoum and Faker run in the local election, both of them launch their campaigns. Even though Faker got all the votes, Barhoum wins the elections, much to his wife's delight.