The series tells the story of Superman's grandfather, who was fighting for justice and stability in his homeland, and working to lead a revolution in the face of General (Zod) with all his...Read more strength.
Seg-El's grandfather rushes to join a perilous uprising against General Zod in an effort to topple the villain, while Seg-El gets trapped far from his home.
Favourite OSN TV One Channel | Sunday 22 December | 02:35 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV One Channel | Sunday 22 December | 03:20 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV One Channel | Sunday 22 December | 05:55 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV One Channel | Sunday 22 December | 06:40 PM | Reminder |
The series tells the story of Superman's grandfather, who was fighting for justice and stability in his homeland, and working to lead a revolution in the face of General (Zod) with...Read more all his strength.