The series takes place in a village cut off from the world, and it brings together four friends led by Abu Watar. The foursome embark on different adventures and live through different stories in each...Read more episode.
Abu Watar dreams of a woman telling him that the secret to happiness is to say yes to life and to get rid of his negativity. His friends take advantage of this, and Abu Watar discovers that the dream meant to say yes to real opportunities and not to agree to anything.
Favourite Sama Dubai Channel | Tuesday 3 December | 09:30 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Sama Dubai Channel | Wednesday 4 December | 07:30 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Sama Dubai Channel | Wednesday 4 December | 09:30 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite Sama Dubai Channel | Thursday 5 December | 07:30 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite Sama Dubai Channel | Thursday 5 December | 09:30 PM | Reminder |
The series takes place in a village cut off from the world, and it brings together four friends led by Abu Watar. The foursome embark on different adventures and live through...Read more different stories in each episode.