In separate-connected episodes, the series tells the story of two Bedouin families, Aal December and Al-Hasamsam, and explores the former family's Russian origins.
When Talqa gets an invitation from the Russian embassy to attend the Russia Day celebration, she speaks rudely to the caller, an act that she comes to regret when her son informs her that the embassy was going to give her money. Takhta decides to raise the residence fees by 10% for every worker.
Favourite atv Channel | Sunday 22 December | 12:15 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite atv Channel | Sunday 22 December | 03:05 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite atv Channel | Sunday 22 December | 09:15 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite atv Channel | Monday 23 December | 12:15 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite atv Channel | Monday 23 December | 03:05 AM | Reminder |
In separate-connected episodes, the series tells the story of two Bedouin families, Aal December and Al-Hasamsam, and explores the former family's Russian origins.