Visions of an apocalyptic future haunt Jesse, who gets ready with Tulip for an all-out attack on Masada.
Jesse looks for a mysterious rock that may bring his journey to an end.
Tulip encounters an unexpected obstacle while trying to save Cassidy,
Tulip joins forces with Jesus to search Masada and free what is left of Cassidy.
Tulip and Cassidy reunite, as do Eugene and his preacher, but their reunion is threatened by the appearance of the vengeful Saint of Killers.
Starr is losing hope in his search for the lost messiah as the end of the world gets closer.
Jesse is offered a rare chance that could change everything by an old friend.
Humperdoo is hidden by Tulip and Cassidy from The Grail, while Jesse is thinking about a tempting proposal.
In a desperate attempt to stop the end of the world, the heroes launch one last attack.
The end of the world comes to a halt as the preacher and his team prepare for the end of their long journey.