The plot follows the life of Sufyan, a young man from a conservative family who falls in love with a radio presenter from a liberal family, only to find himself captive to customs and traditions.
Nohad is a presenter of a social program on the radio. She lives with her parents and is satisfied with her life. Her father wishes to marry her off, and there is a businessman who always calls her and donates to the poor and the sick who need operations, but she's unaware that he is a smuggler.
Favourite MBC 5 Channel | Sunday 5 January | 03:30 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC 5 Channel | Monday 6 January | 01:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC 5 Channel | Monday 6 January | 08:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC 5 Channel | Tuesday 7 January | 02:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite MBC 5 Channel | Tuesday 7 January | 08:30 AM | Reminder |
The plot follows the life of Sufyan, a young man from a conservative family who falls in love with a radio presenter from a liberal family, only to find himself captive to customs...Read more and traditions.