Once Upon a Time كان ياما كان

Storybrook is the home of a group of fairy tale characters who were brought to the real world and stripped of their memories by the Evil Queen Regina. The only way to break the curse lies with Emma Swan, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming.

Even though the curse is now broken and magic has returned to everyone, they remain trapped in Storybrooke instead of returning to the fairy tale world, only they all now have two sets of memories and dual identities. Sinister Captain Hook arrives in Storybrooke to make everything more complicated.

With Henry a hostage of Peter Pan who intends to use him to restore magic in Neverland at the cost of Henry's life, the attempt to rescue him brings Pan to Storybrooke, which he tries to make into the new Neverland, an attempt that ends with unforeseen consequences.

Storybrooke turns to snow and freezing cold when Elsa appears in the city, and a new chapter begins in the tale of the two sister's Frozen World.

When darkness takes hold of Emma, the attempt to rescue her takes everyone to Camelot to seek the aid of Merlin. Chaos ensues when magic gets tampered with one too many times after a journey to the Underworld to bring Hook back leads to a confrontation with Hades.

A young lady with a troubled history is lured to a little Maine town that is thought to be full of fairy tales and decides she would like to live there. As she stays there, she gradually immerses herself more and more in this new world.

Henry's daughter, Lucy, arrives in Washington to look for her father, revealing a new curse that befell the residents of the New Enchanted Forest. As Lucy tries to save her father and the others, they all get embroiled in the conflict between Cinderella and Lady Tremaine.