In Jeddah in 2025, Nayef goes on a trip in his advanced car to fix the shoes of his wife, whom he controls, but he finds that the car is taking revenge on him because of the way he treats his wife, and Nayef dies while trying to escape.
A group of friends gathers to play a game of cards, and one of them challenges Musa to stop bullying and gossiping for a week in exchange for a million riyals, so Musa cuts out his tongue so that he does not lose the challenge.
A young man is distressed by the control of advertisements over his life and his cell phone, and he tries to stand up to this advertising that spoils relationships, but he ends up having advertisements placed at the funeral of his deceased mother.
A young man believes that the older generations are the reason why young people refuse to marry for fear of a dark future, which causes humans to gradually become extinct, and the young man finally decides to commit suicide to escape reality.
As a woman's relationship with her husband is marked by apathy, she begins to think that he is having an affair with another woman, so the wife uses one last trick before committing suicide.
Using advanced technology, Maryam lives in a world of dreams, where she tries to stay with her husband Youssef, who died in a fire, but she discovers that staying in the past spoils her life over time.
A mother buys a highly advanced device called the smart nanny to take care of her son Muhannad, and she discovers that the device can adjust her son's behavior, but she soon finds out that she is spoiling her infant's life.
A young man defies all the warning campaigns against smoking and does not believe that it causes cancer, but when he suffers a health problem and goes to the doctor, he discovers that he has cancer, and his life quickly collapses.
After Saqr is excluded from a new space mission, a beggar steals his wallet, then uses Saqr's private data to hack into his head and control him through a device he made.
A smartwatch is invented that can calculate the number of good and bad deeds in an individual's life, and a man discovers that his balance is negative because he committed many vices against many people, so he tries to change what he did in the past.
As a famous girl named Lama invites a fan of hers named Noha to spend the day with her, Noha discovers that Lama has a mirror that can predict the future, and when Noha spreads the news that Lama will die soon, society turns against her.
Sameh tries to communicate with his father, who is in a coma, through a device as the son seeks the father's help with his debts, only to discover that he and his father were victims of a plot to get rid of them.
After Adel gets into an accident while talking on the phone while driving and a young man dies in the accident, Adel is sentenced to 10 years in prison. Adel gets involved in the trial of a program in exchange for a reduced sentence, only to discover that imprisonment was better for him.
As Hassan spends his birthday alone with the Sirin program on the cell phone, he receives a gift from his mother that can turn any physical object into a plant, and while trying to understand the gift, he discovers that the Sirin program is trying to replace him in life.
Omar discovers that the company he works for decided to lay off 100 employees from the company and replace them with employees from Earth, upon which Omar goes back to the past to meet his manager every time and persuade him to stay so that he does not get laid off from work.
With apathy marking his relationship with his wife because of his weak personality, Ali finds himself searching her phone and spying on her, and when he decides to go to a psychiatrist to help him, Ali discovers that what he was subjected to in his childhood is the reason for his weak personality.
A mother takes her son Ali on a trip in an attempt to get him out of the state of depression he is in, but when she fails, she decides to buy a device that can monitor him remotely to check on him, so she discovers that he is taking drugs and is suffocating, but she fails to reach him.
Sharif wakes up and finds himself not remembering anything about the past, then he learns that an old friend of his named Majed is the one who is locking him in, whereupon Sharif discovers that Majed is his friend whom he killed in the past.
A scientist from ancient times named Ouf is kidnapped and brought to Saturn, where Wael, the owner of the Scientists Museum, seeks to use his knowledge in order to present new inventions.
Amjad thanks Faris, who works in combating suicide cases, as Amjad discovers that robots can help cases better, and Faris tries to prove the failure of the robot.
A young man goes to a job interview at the United Representatives Company, and as the company seeks to take advantage of his low resume ratings and his reputation for bullying, he soon discovers that he caused a girl named Maryam to attempt suicide due to getting bullied.
Ali suffers from excessive fear in his life, which hinders him from excelling in his work or making important decisions, so he decides to undergo an operation to remove fear from his body, but Ali soon turns into a worse person than he was.
A man and his wife go to choose what their son will look like through advanced technology, and when they take a look at the future of their unborn son, Faisal, they discover that he will become a dangerous criminal.
Amal has nightmares as she worries about what people say about her and how her friends see her, so she buys a device that helps her please everyone around her, only to discover in the end that she contributed to everyone's hatred towards her.
A girl tries to find a way to make her channel on the Internet famous, but she always suffers due to disregard and rejection, so she decides to imitate a successful girl in order to search for success.
Ali tries to please his client with his designs, which he rejects every time, and in order to take revenge without losing his job, he decides to create an email that sends out recorded messages after his death to reprimand all those he hates.
Nour lives among his family, dreaming of achieving success in his life, and as he gets into an accident before an important test, his soul leaves his body, and Nour wakes up from his coma, only to discover that a full year of his life has passed.
As a mother feels afraid of death, she finds herself in a world of greed, where she exploits money and extravagance in order to escape from the reality that will happen to her.
Fayez suffers from excessive irritability, which makes him unable to control his temper with his employees, and when he refuses to grant leave to Sami, who wants to take care of his dying mother, Fayez decides to take medicine to help him act naturally, so Sami decides to take revenge.
A man lives on his memories with his ex-wife Dina, and when he tries to contact her to remarry her, he discovers that she is engaged to another young man, upon which he eventually finds himself losing his future.