As she becomes the Chief of Police of the LAPD, Abigail "Tommy" Thomas finds herself taking on an influential businessman with ties to politics in an attempt to protect an illegal immigrant and her daughter.
When a murder hits too close to home, Tommy faces pressure from her own officers as a media campaign is launched against her. The mayor tries to ensure that no damaging information is leaked about him through Arturo Lopez.
When a homicide turns out to be connected to attempted rape, Tommy steps in to try and discern the truth as the case involves a famous film producer.
Tommy is pushed to the end of her rope as she is forced to juggle a bomb threat, a missing granddaughter, a mudslide closing off a major road, and dissent within the ranks of her officers.
A hostage crisis sends the LAPD scrambling to diffuse the tension before bodies start to drop, but it turns out that the situation is more complicated than originally thought. Tommy has to play ball with a couple of politicians as she tries to win support for her budget proposal.
The LAPD have to tread lightly as the child of a wealthy Chinese gay couple is kidnapped, bringing in a media storm as well as political complications. Tommy receives shocking news about her son-in-law.
When a black activist is murdered, claims about gang ties raise the tension between the African American community and the LAPD. Tommy's decision not to cover up her son-in-law's actions causes familial strife.
When a fake call to 911 leads to a fatal shooting, Tommy dedicates the full resources of the LAPD to locate the culprit behind the call, a professional gamer, who escalates his behavior and threatens to leak damaging information about the officers.
As a Saudi student tries to avoid being deported home, she implicates herself in minor crimes to force the issue of being granted political asylum. Tommy discovers that there is more to the student's family than meets the eye.
A conflict of interests on a case forces Tommy to make a hard decision about her relationship with Kiley. As Blake tries to figure out what happened to Vincent, she discovers that she has gotten in over her head, forcing her to go to Tommy for help.
As Tommy tries to get to the bottom of the conspiracy that implicates both the LAPD and the city government, her job is put on the line when an unexpected betrayal puts her in a tough spot in front of the ethics committee.
As Tommy's friends try to figure out who has been pulling the strings in the conspiracy, shocking facts come to the forefront as the mystery behind Arturo Lopez's death is finally resolved.