When Khaled proposes an idea for a new program in the Najd radio station, he gets transferred to the archives as a disciplinary action, leaving him to decide to quit. He eventually talks to his friends, Rayan, Fahd, Saoud, and Meshael, about launching their own online radio station.
As Khaled and his team launch a radio station called Khurais, their chaotic management soon prompts Khaled to ask Raghd to take charge of running the station.
When the first program of the radio station becomes a smash hit, Saoud's brother asks to join the station. But when he gets rejected, he decides to launch a similar program to compete with Khurais.
Competition abounds as several stations follow in Khurais's footsteps, leading Khaled to increase his marketing efforts. Abir joins the station as a member of their marketing and advertising team.
As Khurais expands, each member of the team gets their own show. When Meshael decides to present a live cooking shot on Instagram, he accidentally causes a fire in the studio.
When Saoud's program, Saoud's Stories, attracts a lot of hate and criticism, the team supports him to help him overcome the feeling of failure.
Abir's marketing strategy proves to be a boon for the station, earning it its first sponsorship deal. But the crew soon finds itself clashing.
When Saoud's family proposes to a girl on his behalf, he enlists Khaled's help to sabotage the marriage. The station secures funding from a startup fund.