Rachel, a producer who experienced a crack-up during the previous "Everlasting" season's finale is hired back and is asked to lie and manipulate the contestants to get dramatic footage for the show.
Rachel resorts to despicable measures to secure a cash reward when the producers of the show are asked to find a new "villain" from the remaining contestants.
As Rachel confronts her shrink mother, Lizzie finds out new information regarding Jeremy and Rachel.
Rachel chooses Adam's winery in Napa Valley as the setting for shooting a romantic date. Meanwhile, Jeremy gets promoted.
While they are in Faith's hometown in Mississippi, Rachel makes a startling discovery about her. Meanwhile, Jeremy and Rachel try to fix their friendship.
As they are trying to win a bet, Rachel and Quinn make unsavory decisions, while Adam goes on a date with Mary.
Quinn and Rachel try to save the show from self-destruction when the crew is shocked from the suicide of one of the contestants.
Chet strikes a deal with Rachel to make sure Adam reconsiders his refusal of Chet and Quinn's offer to star in his own spinoff reality show.
Quinn blackmails Rachel after she turns down her offer of a partnership. Meantime, Rachel leaves Adam for Jeremy.
After major events take place on and off the set, Quinn and Rachel realize that they have no one to turn to but one another.