Set in the 1970s, the head of the family, Rashed Al-Mather, is a successful, hard-working businessman, who turns away from his family, and suddenly disappears after his son gets married, leading the...Read more police to investigate to find out who would benefit from his disappearance.
Neama falsely claims that Rashed’s infant son died at birth, and fools him into thinking that he was buried, so that she can adopt him. As Years go by, Rashed’s children grow up. As his daughter Bibi gets married, she finds out that her husband is cheating on her.
Set in the 1970s, the head of the family, Rashed Al-Mather, is a successful, hard-working businessman, who turns away from his family, and suddenly disappears after his son gets...Read more married, leading the police to investigate to find out who would benefit from his disappearance.