In Victorian London, where a group of women is granted abnormal abilities, Amalia True and Penance Adair must protect and shelter these gifted Orphans, all the while they come face-to-face with their...Read more murderous nemesis who seeks to wipe out their kind.
Amalia True works with Penance Adair to help the Touched, a group of people with special powers, by keeping them safe at an orphanage. As Mary Brighton, a singer whose voice has an effect on the Touched, is held captive by the serial killer Maladie, Amalia tries to save her.
In Victorian London, where a group of women is granted abnormal abilities, Amalia True and Penance Adair must protect and shelter these gifted Orphans, all the while they come...Read more face-to-face with their murderous nemesis who seeks to wipe out their kind.