In an attempt to win scholarships to an elite school, four clever orphans take a bunch of special tests, only to discover that it has all been a ploy when the man who invited them, the enigmatic Mr. Benedict, tells them the real reason why he asked them to come.
After Mr. Benedict tells the kids the details of their mission, he sends them to the L.I.V.E. Institute to infiltrate it and get to the bottom of the mystery of the hidden messages on TV that cause the Emergency.
As the kids discover that the Institute is run by Benedict's twin brother, they tell Benedict about it; meanwhile, they try to achieve academic success to avoid being exiled from the island, and Kate and Constance are caught while trying to find out about the transmissions.
The kids take Benedict's advice and decide to cheat, but Sticky is caught while trying to help out Kate. Meanwhile, Constance manages to decode the journal of Curtain, whom Benedict starts monitoring, after which Reynie and Sticky are promoted as Messengers.
As the girls scout the island, they are able to learn where the secret passageway is, whereupon they find out about a secret launch the Curtain is preparing. Meanwhile, the boys are taken to a machine called the Whisperer, which Curtain made, and the kids discover that they must destroy it.
In a flashback, the background story of Benedict and Curtain is uncovered, while in the present, Milligan tries to save the kids at Benedict's behest but fails, Curtain tells Sticky that he'll let him spend more time in the Whisperer, and Kate copies the keycard to a server room with a farm facade.
Kate flees the server room after the guides find out there is an intruder. Milligan saves the life of Kate, whom Martina learns was the one who framed her. As S.Q. learns the truth about Reynie, the latter asks him not to inform Curtain.
After it is revealed that Kate was the intruder, Constance manages to save her from being brain-swept. Meanwhile, Benedict and his associate reach the island, whereupon everyone must come together to thwart the Emergency and defeat Curtain.