Special Agent Matthew Ryker investigates a possible anthrax threat, following the mysterious death of a man in Florida, while making sure that there are no other cases of infection.
Ryker's investigation takes him to New York after a new case of anthrax infection arose. Bruce Ivins starts having doubts about his co-workers.
An attack on Capitol Hill sends Ryker and his colleagues to a post office that has become a hot zone for anthrax.
After an old work colleague raises a flag, the FBI discovers more about Bruce Ivins's strange actions in the past. Ryker and Dani manage to trace the letters' source.
Ryker and Dani begin focusing on a primary suspect "Mr. Z.", and they each receive new missions, not that it will stop them from going after the lead of that case.
As two suspects in the case are under investigation, Ryker's beliefs regarding the case are questioned. Bruce breaks under the pressure from the FBI.