In season three, new events unfold with Abdul Hamid and his family, including his daughter Hagar's fear of marriage, the problems between his eldest daughter, Zeina, with her husband Tarek. In...Read more addition to the problems of Akram, his son, with his fiancée and his decision to leave work, as well as his younger son Marzouk's issues.
Aida is surprised by Abdul Hamid's resignation from the nursing home. Zeina returns to Abdul Hamid's house after her fight with Tarek, who refused to let her work the evening shift at the hospital. When Akram breaks off his engagement, Abdul Hamid gets back the wedding gift from the bride's family.
In season three, new events unfold with Abdul Hamid and his family, including his daughter Hagar's fear of marriage, the problems between his eldest daughter, Zeina, with her...Read more husband Tarek. In addition to the problems of Akram, his son, with his fiancée and his decision to leave work, as well as his younger son Marzouk's issues.