Episodes: Series - U-Turn - 2022

  • season 1
  • episode #1

1st Episode

Yara, a navigation officer, marries Youssef, while Khaled decides to marry Hoda, despite the age gap between them. As Youssef warns Yara not to talk to Khaled because he suspects that the latter loves her, he keeps tabs on Yara and learns of her meeting with Khaled.


  • season 1
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

After Yara confesses to Khaled that Youssef doesn't want her to talk to him again, Khaled runs over a girl with Yara's car, and as they both think that she has died, they leave. Youssef beats his sister Sarah after he sees her with a man in her house, while Yara lies to her family about the accident.


  • season 1
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

Yara receives pictures of the accident at her house and seeks help from Khaled. Youssef brings the guy who was with Sarah in her house and threatens him in order to marry her, but Sarah refuses and quarrels with Youssef.


  • season 1
  • episode #4

4th Episode

The person who sent the pictures before sends Yara a new message, telling her that he wants to meet her, and when Yara informs Khaled, the latter decides to call the man. Meanwhile, Amira tries to manipulate Youssef.


  • season 1
  • episode #5

5th Episode

Yara's actions continue to make Youssef grow dubious of her. Shawky asks Yara and Khaled for a large sum in exchange for not informing on them, but the matter ends in a quarrel between Shawky and Khaled, who falls to the ground.


  • season 1
  • episode #6

6th Episode

Khaled is taken to the hospital, while Amira continues to make Youssef suspect that Yara was in a relationship with Khaled. Yara is forced to confess to her father everything that happened. Shawky files a report with the police against Khaled.


  • season 1
  • episode #7

7th Episode

Yasser robs the hospital's safe and holds Walid responsible. Youssef discovers that Yara is lying to him when she tells him that she is with Amira while the latter is with him in the office. Yara negotiates with Shawky in order to reduce the sum of money he asked for.


  • season 1
  • episode #8

8th Episode

The prosecution investigates the theft. Khaled and Yara give the money to Shawky, after which Youssef sees both of them in the café and beats Yara, who confesses to him everything. Hatem comes and quarrels with Youssef, asking him to divorce Yara, but she refuses because she still loves him.


  • season 1
  • episode #9

9th Episode

Amira tells Youssef that Yara had an affair with Khaled and got pregnant. Yara and Khaled get arrested on charges of murder, and it turns out that Youssef is the one who informed on them. Amira asks Yasser for a divorce and finds the sum of money he stole.


  • season 1
  • episode #10

10th Episode

Amira asks Yasser for a share of the money, otherwise she will inform on him. Shawky lies while being investigated to frame Yara and Khaled, as Youssef is the one who put him up to it. Yara wants to get a divorce from Youssef.


  • season 1
  • episode #11

11th Episode

Sarah feels that Amira is lying about the things she says about Yara. Amira advises Youssef to marry in order to take revenge on Yara, who is shocked when she sees Youssef with Amira in the bedroom, so she asks him for a divorce, but he refuses and kicks Amira out of the house.


  • season 1
  • episode #12

12th Episode

Hoda gets angry about Khaled's frequent meetings with Yara, who decides to return to her work again and file for divorce. As Walid learns from Amira that Yasser stole the money, Yara confronts Yasser with what he did. Hatem confesses to Munira that he is married to another woman.


  • season 1
  • episode #13

13th Episode

A quarrel occurs between Hatem and Munira, who asks him to either divorce her or Maha. Yasser threatens Amira with videos of her in Youssef's house. After Shawky asks Khaled for a large sum to guide them to the family of the girl of the accident, Yara watches him and discovers that she's alive.


  • season 1
  • episode #14

14th Episode

Khaled and Yara inform on Shawky, and when the police reach his home, they discover that the girl of the accident is his wife. Hatem quarrels with Youssef and asks him to divorce Yara, but Youssef insists on getting her imprisoned.


  • season 1
  • episode #15

15th Episode

Yasser's plot with Naira causes Maha to miscarry. Khaled and Yara decide to keep tabs on Youssef to reach Shawky, who breaks into Yara's house and records a video of him in her bedroom, as the whole thing was orchestrated by Youssef.


  • season 1
  • episode #16

16th Episode

Yara asks Walid to keep tabs on Youssef and decides to take revenge on Amira by threatening her with her videos with Youssef. Amira asks Youssef to have a customary marriage with him to dispel any suspicions against them. Hatem learns that Yasser robbed the safe and caused Maha to miscarry.


  • season 1
  • episode #17

17th Episode

As Shawky asks Khaled to meet him in a villa, Walid tells Yara that Youssef has gone to the same place, after which the police arrest Yara and Khaled after Youssef accused Yara of adultery.


  • season 1
  • episode #18

18th Episode

Hoda believes Youssef and decides to join forces with him. Yasser justifies what he did in front of Hatem, who breaks down and kicks him out, after which Yasser steals important papers from Hatem's office. Meanwhile, the officer refuses to believe Yara during the investigations.


  • season 1
  • episode #19

19th Episode

Yasser claims that Hatem is an Alzheimer's patient in order to file a lawsuit against him. After Yara refuses to defend herself and asks the deputy public prosecutor to imprison her, she attempts suicide and is taken to the hospital. Yara and Khaled are released, and Hoda asks Khaled for a divorce.


  • season 1
  • episode #20

20th Episode

Naguib rebukes Youssef and asks him to drop the case. Yara returns home, whereupon Hoda tells her that Khaled is the one who orchestrated the accident with Shawky and Alia, proving her words with audio recordings between Khaled and Shawky.


  • season 1
  • episode #21

21st Episode

Amira stipulates that Yasser testify against Yara in order to agree to persuade Youssef to be his partner, and Yasser agrees. Youssef's family turns against him, while Yara decides to take revenge on everyone who hurt her and agrees with Hoda to start with Youssef.


  • season 1
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

Yara discovers that Nahid has stolen her clothes and jewelry. Hatem enters the ICU after he discovers that Yasser has sent someone who forced Maha to sign a trust receipt. After Hoda tells Youssef about Khaled's plot with Shawky, Youssef forces Shawky to tell him the whole plan.


  • season 1
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Hatem gains consciousness and tells Munira that he won't let Yasser get away with what he did. Yara reaches Shawky's place and discovers Yasser's secret meetings with Youssef. As Amira gets nervous when Youssef asks her about the doctor's recordings, she tells him that she's pregnant.


  • season 1
  • episode #24

24th Episode

After Youssef discovers that Amira lied to him about everything and threatens to kill her, he is filled with remorse because of what he did to Yara and apologizes to her, but she kicks him out. Yara learns about the lawsuit that Yasser filed against Hatem and decides to take revenge on him.


  • season 1
  • episode #25

25th Episode

As Yara and Hoda agree to make Khaled confront Shawky and Alia, Khaled reveals the whole scheme, unaware that everything he said has been recorded, after which Yara sends these videos to all the family members, who are shocked by what Khaled did.


  • season 1
  • episode #26

26th Episode

Khaled quarrels with his mother and kicks her out of the house. Youssef stipulates that Yasser persuade Yara to get back together with him in order to finance his project. Meanwhile, Hatem takes legal action against Yasser, who emptied his bank accounts.


  • season 1
  • episode #27

27th Episode

Yara sells her car to support her father after Khaled refused to give her the money. Yasser, Munira, and Sarah try to convince Yara to return to Youssef, and Yara learns of Khaled's plan to flee the country. To everyone's surprise, Yara agrees to get back together with Youssef after she refused to.


  • season 1
  • episode #28

28th Episode

Yara and Hoda send someone to steal Khaled's bag of gold, while Maha asks Hatem for a divorce. Yara stipulates that Youssef go back on his partnership with Yasser and hold a big party to apologize to her in front of everyone.


  • season 1
  • episode #29

29th Episode

Maha leaves the house and Hatem fails to find her, while Khaled launches a Facebook campaign against Hatem and the hospital. After Yasser informs Youssef of Yara's manipulation of him, Yara plays videos of Youssef with Amira at the party and exposes him in front of everyone.


  • season 1
  • episode #30


The police arrest Yasser, who's then released after Hatem drops the case. Yara and Hoda send Alia to Khaled's house, and after Shawky comes, the police arrest them. Yara and Walid plot against Amira, who gets arrested. Youssef travels, Yasser and Nahid are engaged, and Yara gives birth to a girl.
