Episodes: Series - Adam wa Hawaa - 2023

  • season 1
  • episode #1

1st Episode

The friends Wed, Bayan, and Dounia wish to become doctors, and their fourth friend, Bazza, wants to be a lawyer. Years pass and their wishes comes true.


  • season 1
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

Dounia returns to her family's home after her escape attempt. After Bayan discovers that she is infertile, she proposes to her husband, Khaled, that he marry her friend Wed. Bazza refuses to marry Suleiman, and she has an accident in which she loses her memory.


  • season 1
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

As Moody's father dies, Muhanna proposes to her after he hires a girl to falsely claim that Saud harassed her. Khaled marries Wed, while Bayan discovers that she is pregnant. Umm Bazza (Bazza's mother) agrees with Suleiman to falsely claim that he is her fiancé.


  • season 1
  • episode #4

4th Episode

After Bazza marries Suleiman, her friends try to remind her of her refusal to marry him, so her mother reports them to the police.


  • season 1
  • episode #5

5th Episode

Dounia agrees with Abdulaziz that they have a sham marriage in front of her parents. Meanwhile, jealousy flares up between Wed and Bayan because of Khaled, and Bayan tries to convince him to divorce Wed.


  • season 1
  • episode #6

6th Episode

Dounia and Abdulaziz get married, as do Moody and Muhanna. Umm Dounia discovers her husband's relationship with a women, and his marriage to a girl his daughter's age.


  • season 1
  • episode #7

7th Episode

As Abu Dounia (Dounia's father) is taken to the hospital, Dounia discovers that he is taking sexual stimulants. Her mother tells her that he is married to another woman, while Umm Bazza tries to convince her daughter to give Suleiman a chance to prove his love to her.


  • season 1
  • episode #8

8th Episode

Dounia hires a maid in her house, and Abdulaziz harasses her, while Moody regrets her hasty decision to marry Muhanna.


  • season 1
  • episode #9

9th Episode

Bayan is taken to the hospital, and Khaled believes that she has aborted her pregnancy, while Suleiman and Bazza quarrel and he threatens to force her to return to the marital home by law.


  • season 1
  • episode #10

10th Episode

Umm Dounia's psychological condition worsens when her husband decides to separate from her at home. Bazza considers filing for divorce from Suleiman. Khaled discovers that Bayan is taking abortion medications under the supervision of Wed.


  • season 1
  • episode #11

11th Episode

Khaled confronts Wed about her attempt to abort Bayan's pregnancy, and the latter asks to separate from him. Saud continues to shake the stability of Moody's marital life. The maid tells Dounia that her husband, Abdulaziz, has harassed her.


  • season 1
  • episode #12

12th Episode

Suleiman tells Thameena of his love for her. Saud plots with Moody's maid to put his shirt among her clothes. Saud gets a promotion at the hospital.


  • season 1
  • episode #13

13th Episode

Abu Dounia is arrested for his suspicious relations. Wed tells Khaled that she is pregnant. Muhanna tries to kill Moody and travels to escape.


  • season 1
  • episode #14

14th Episode

Bayan discovers the return of Khaled to Wed, who informs him of her decision to abort her fetus. Thameena resents Bazza’s desire to return to Suleiman. Dounia tricks Abdulaziz into thinking that the maid has AIDS to get back at him. Umm Moody searches for her daughter.


  • season 1
  • episode #15

15th Episode

After Muhanna is arrested, Moody is taken to the hospital, and she gets a divorce from him. Suleiman decides to marry Thameena.


  • season 1
  • episode #16

16th Episode

Dounia continues to make Abdulaziz believe that he has symptoms of AIDS. Wed reveals to Khaled that she lied about her pregnancy. Bazza asks Suleiman to give her a chance to fix things between them.


  • season 1
  • episode #17

17th Episode

Abu Dounia and Moody refuse Hessa's marriage to Aws, while Khaled decides to leave Wed and divorce her. Bazza suspects Suleiman of cheating on her with another woman.


  • season 1
  • episode #18

18th Episode

Suleiman marries Thameena; Khaled rejects Wed's request for a divorce; Umm Dounia resorts to plastic surgery to please her husband.


  • season 1
  • episode #19

19th Episode

Bayan gets into a tragic car accident. Saud tries to mend things with Moody. Abu Dounia kicks Aws out of his home for asking to marry Hessa.


  • season 1
  • episode #20

20th Episode

Bazza quarrels with Thameena, who miscarries and loses her fetus. Abu Dounia agrees to his sister Hessa's marriage to Aws.


  • season 1
  • episode #21

21st Episode

Bayan asks Khaled that they adopt a girl, but their divorce prevents this from happening. Suleiman returns to Bazza and tells her he divorced Thameena. Moody decides to give Saud another chance. Muhanna is released from prison.


  • season 1
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

Dounia asks Khaled to stay away from Bayan. Thameena apologizes to Bazza and asks for her forgiveness. Moody is upset when Saud asks her to wear the hijab.


  • season 1
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

As Bazza becomes pregnant with a child with special needs, Suleiman asks her to have an abortion. Abu Dounia becomes blind. Nermin asks her husband Aws to use Nawal to pay off his bank debts.


  • season 1
  • episode #24

24th Episode

Saud becomes a religious extremist; Suleiman searches for Thameena after seeing her with a young child; Dounia finds it difficult to get pregnant.


  • season 1
  • episode #25

25th Episode

Moody leaves the house and asks for a divorce from Saud. She also discovers that Aws and his first wife scammed her mother. Suleiman finds out that Thameena’s son is his and that she did not have an abortion.


  • season 1
  • episode #26

26th Episode

As Saud files a suit to return Moody to the marital home, she is forced to wear the hijab to please him. Bayan tells her friends that she is only marrying Muhanna to be a muhallil so she can remarry Khaled. Abu Dounia divorces his wife, and Umm Bazza finds Thameena.


  • season 1
  • episode #27

27th Episode

As Nawal asks for a divorce from Aws, matters develop between Muhanna and Bayan, and he asks her to give him a chance to prove his love to her.


  • season 1
  • episode #28

28th Episode

Bazza is shocked by Suleiman's return to Thameena. Abdulaziz tells Dounia that he is the reason they cannot have children. Khaled is enraged when he discovers that Bayan has adopted a child illegally.


  • season 1
  • episode #29

29th Episode

Nawal reports the disappearance of Abu Dounia to the police. Muhanna refuses to divorce Bayan. Saud locks Moody in the house.


  • season 1
  • episode #30

30th Episode

Muhanna and Khaled quarrel because the former refuses to divorce Bayan. Moody puts poison in Saud's food. Suleiman takes Thameena's son from her and prevents her from seeing him. Abu Dounia is found dead in the warehouse.
