The events revolve around two stories; in the first, Abeer refuses to marry Emad amid her uncle and brother's insistence on the marriage to maximize their business interests, while in the second,...Read more Noura suspects that her husband, Ahmed, is cheating on her, so will her fears be confirmed, or is she being unfair to her husband?
Emad asks to marry Abeer, who runs away from the house. Basil finds his sister Abeer and brings her to his uncle, whom she asks to postpone her engagement to Emad until her father returns. Aisha's mother asks Essam's father to break his promise to wed his son to her daughter as Essam ignores Aisha.
The events revolve around two stories; in the first, Abeer refuses to marry Emad amid her uncle and brother's insistence on the marriage to maximize their business interests, while...Read more in the second, Noura suspects that her husband, Ahmed, is cheating on her, so will her fears be confirmed, or is she being unfair to her husband?