Follows five female friends, brought together by the paths of life, as they share their problems and dreams. Each of them tries to support the other until they reach safety after a series of...Read more disappointments that befall them.
Each of four friends has her own problem; Najwa is a broadcaster who loves fame, Nada is a housewife who excessively loves her husband, Najla is always afraid of marriage, and Nabila feels that her life is not hers.
Favourite SBC Channel | Thursday 30 January | 12:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite SBC Channel | Thursday 30 January | 09:00 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite SBC Channel | Saturday 1 February | 04:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite SBC Channel | Saturday 1 February | 05:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite SBC Channel | Saturday 1 February | 06:00 AM | Reminder |
Follows five female friends, brought together by the paths of life, as they share their problems and dreams. Each of them tries to support the other until they reach safety after a...Read more series of disappointments that befall them.