The story centers on Doha, a sports club yoga instructor married to Yassin. After feeling distant from her spouse and seeing her friends succeed in new relationships on Dopamine, she joined the app to find a new life partner.
Shaimaa partners with Zidan in his restaurant after the relationship develops. Zidan is threatened by the Dopamine application to keep away from Shaimaa and with his imprisonment background and daughter he left behind, for not following the rules. Zidan meets Doha.
Talin meets Yahya through Dopamine and their relationship becomes stronger. Zidan met Doha by the name of Maged Al Tohamy, who had taken yoga lessons with her before. Maged and Yassin’s relationship becomes stronger.
After Zidan steals her money and leaves her, Shaimaa breaks down and tells him she will wait for him out of love. Dopamine controls Dawud's life following his wife's, Malak, death. When Yahya fights with Bisso about his past relationship with Talin, Bisso calls on a group of friends to get revenge.
Dawud asks Murad to steal customer data to develop Dopamine. Yahya is taken to the hospital after his fight with Bisso and his friends. Talin breaks off her relationship with Bisso. Zidan helps Doha discover Yassin's infidelity to her.
Zidan carries out the task of ending Doha and Yassin's relationship, which Dopamine assigned to him. Doha films a video of Yassin and Hala's cheating in order to obtain her rights from him. Shaimaa ends her relationship with Zidan after Dopamine reveals his true identity. Fadi meets Doha.
Fadi leaves his number for Doha because he is unable to meet her. The love relationship between Talin and Yahya strengthened. Yassin discovers that Shaimaa speaks to him because of Dopamine. Doha discovers that Maged is Zidan.
Zidan tries to confess to Doha, but she refuses to hear him. When Dawud learns of a group that is against Dopamine, he urges Zidane to use extortion to silence it and Zidan closes the group. Yassin joins Dopamine and meets Shaimaa again.
Shaimaa and Yassin's relationship becomes stronger. Zidan opens his restaurant, and Sarah helps him advertise the restaurant on social media. Yahya proposes marriage to Talin. Doha joins Dopamine and it recommends Zidan for her, so she meets him again. Dawud still sees Malak at all times.
Dopamine forces Yahya to stay away from Talin. Doha and Zidan's relationship resumes, and he proposes to her. Yassin suffers from being away from his daughter, Selena. Hala threatens Yassin to get the video back from Doha. Murad quarrels with Dawud because of his misuse of Dopamine.
Shaimaa meets Doha and tells her about her relationship with Yassin. When Dopamine asks Zidan and Doha to end their relationship with each other, they remove the application. Yahya steals Doha’s phone in implementation of Dopamine’s orders, so Dopamine allows Yahya to return to Talin without formal steps.
Alaa divorces Hala after seeing the video of her infidelity that was sent to him from Doha’s phone. Yassin threatens Doha and asks Shaimaa to stay away from him. Zidan discovers that Sarah is working with Dopamine. Doha asks Murad to help her get rid of Dopamine.
Doha discovers from Murad that Dawud was the one who designed Dopamine. Doha and Zidan are able to meet Daoud and threaten him to stay out of their way. When Yahya and Talin get engaged, Dopamine publishes a fabricated porn video of Talin with Bisso.
Murad begins helping Doha get rid of Dopamine. Zidan and Sarah begin reporting Dopamine to Internet detectives, and Dawud loses control of Dopamine.
Doha agrees with Rahma to deceive Dawud due to her resemblance to Malak, so she tricks him and he begins to destroy Dopamine. Bisso kills Talin because she refuses to be with him. Zidan tells Doha of his love for her and that he will not leave her. Shaimaa decides to travel outside the country.