Leo and Remi are two thirteen-year-old best friends, whose seemingly unbreakable bond is suddenly, tragically torn apart. after the intimacy of their relationship is questioned by schoolmates. When...Read more tragedy strikes, one is forced to confront why he distanced himself from his closest friend.
Leo and Remi are two thirteen-year-old best friends, whose seemingly unbreakable bond is suddenly, tragically torn apart. after the intimacy of their relationship is questioned by...Read more schoolmates. When tragedy strikes, one is forced to confront why he distanced himself from his closest friend.
MoreGrand Prize of the Festival - Cannes Film Festival 2022.
Gold Hugo - Chicago International Film Festival 2022.
Carmel Award - Haifa International Film Festival 2022.
Gorki List Audience Award, Best Film - Palic Film Festival 2022.