The story follows a cat with no tail who lives a nice life with his owner, a girl who loves him a lot, in the country. But his whole world goes topsy-turvy as he finds himself all alone in Uppsala...Read more following a nasty storm.
Favourite OSN TV Kids Channel | Tuesday 24 December | 06:45 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Kids Channel | Tuesday 24 December | 11:45 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Kids Channel | Tuesday 24 December | 04:46 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Kids Channel | Wednesday 25 December | 02:45 AM | Reminder |
The story follows a cat with no tail who lives a nice life with his owner, a girl who loves him a lot, in the country. But his whole world goes topsy-turvy as he finds himself all...Read more alone in Uppsala following a nasty storm.