Despite all the difficulties, the female prisoners continue to face their reality in the violent world behind bars, and after a fire breaks out inside the prison, the search for the killer of Rahaf’s...Read more father continues, while Laila finds out her real parents, and Burhan loses his battle with Nancy.
An armed attack is carried out on the prison to break out Nancy, the wife of the drug dealer Burhan, while Laila is accused of killing Saif’s mother. Nour tries to help Rabeh prove his sister’s innocence, and Ahlam succeeds in escaping from prison during the armed attack.
Despite all the difficulties, the female prisoners continue to face their reality in the violent world behind bars, and after a fire breaks out inside the prison, the search for...Read more the killer of Rahaf’s father continues, while Laila finds out her real parents, and Burhan loses his battle with Nancy.