As Seif seizes the lands of people who are unable to pay their debts, he accuses Darwish of burning the ship, while he tries to push his son Dahi to take over with him.
Seif asks Gaber to mediate with the British so that his ships pass without problems. As Umm Dahi asks her husband Seif to release Darwish from prison, he is forced to do so because there is no evidence against him for burning the ship. Abu Salem, Seif's brother, returns to town.
As Latifa scolds Seif for his brother Abu Salem's stay in an old house, Seif offers Abu Salem money so that he can return to where he came from. Elsewhere, Darwish decides to get back at Seif for taking his father's land by force.
When Sabil robs Seif's shop, the latter cuts off his hand and kicks him out of town. As Seif tries to push his son, Dahi, to adopt his approach of oppression and injustice, he prevents Darwish from finding any work.
Dahi falls in love with Maryam, and Umm Rabaa scolds her daughter, Amna, for stealing from Umm Latifa's house. Meanwhile, Abu Salem decides to open a shop and trade in the town.
Gaber offers Abu Salem to work with him in the trade. Latifa quarrels with Seif for not repairing Abu Salem's house, causing the roof to fall on his daughter's head. Seif asks his son to take over his accounts and trade.
As the village is exposed to heavy rains and flash floods and Seif loses many of his goods and houses collapse, Darwish plots with Abu Maitha against Seif.
Seif forces his son Dahi to run his business, and he resents that he doesn't use violence in carrying out the business. Later, Seif discovers that Darwish has built a hut on his land.
Seif asks Gaber and Al Mutawa to rule between him and Darwish, and Gaber decides to pay Darwish's bail to get him out of prison. Ragab advises Darwish to stay away from Seif, and Fatima threatens to end her business partnership with Seif if he continues his enmity towards Darwish.
The Mountain Wolves pack asks Darwish to lead them and devise a plan to take revenge on Seif, stop the injustice, and return the rights to their owners. Latifa asks Seif to reduce taxes on the people, and the latter regrets not visiting his brother Abu Salem before his death.
Seif increases the number of guards to catch the thieves, which leads to him increasing taxes again. Darwish hides his cooperation with the Mountain Wolves, and Ragab asks to cooperate with him. Abu Salem's widow decides to calculate her husband's estate.
Dahi returns from traveling on a cargo ship. Darwish, with the help of the Mountain Wolves, devises a plan to steal the boxes of weapons. Maryam's mother warns Gaber against mortgaging the house to Seif in exchange for merchandise. Seif proposes to Latifa that their son Dahi marry Maryam.
Darwish's son discovers that his father does not work at sea. Darwish decides to sell Seif's weapon and distribute the money to the poor. The people ask Gaber to mediate with Seif to reduce their taxes. Dahi's mother refuses to let her son travel again.
Ragab shoots Seif but does not hit him, while Gibran arrests Lavi, believing that he is behind the shooting. Darwish devises a plan to get rid of Seif. Latifa falls ill.
Seif asks Gibran to postpone the departure of the cargo ships. As chickenpox spreads in the village, Rabaa is infected, and Seif asks Dahi to stay away from him.
When Seif's pearls are stolen, Gibran is asked to search for the thief. Rabaa is cured of chickenpox. Elsewhere, Ragab releases Lavi from captivity, and he shoots Gibran, thinking he is a Seif.
Gibran suspects that Darwish is behind the shooting. Seif appoints Mishaan and his men to guard the village. When Seif decides to distribute the money to the poor and help them, Darwish asks the Mountain Wolves to stop their plot against him to be sure of his good intentions.
Gibran resents Mishaan's approach to Seif. As many people leave the village because of the actions of Seif and his men, Darwish decides to continue his plot against Seif.
Dahi prepares to travel with Abu Maryam; Mishaan tortures the people; Seif refuses Khadija's marriage to Suleiman; Darwish's son discovers his father's involvement with the Mountain Wolves.
Seif gets angry because of the multiple thefts and his inability to catch the culprit. Khadija's mother resents Seif's control over her daughter's marriage. As Dahi returns from his travels, Youssef asks Abu Maryam to complete Dahi's marriage to his daughter.
Dahi and Maryam's wedding takes place. When Mishaan threatens Darwish's son to take revenge on his father, and Darwish kills him, Seif vows to avenge him.
Abu Maryam's goods are stolen from his store. As the townspeople are surprised by the distribution of food to them by a masked man, Gibran becomes suspicious of Darwish.
Seif loses a lot of money because of Gaber's debts, who is paralyzed. Seif asks Dahi to divorce Maryam.
After Rabaa tells him that Ragab burned his ship, Seif orders Gibran to arrest him. When Darwish tries to save Ragab, Seif teaches him a lesson he will never forget and accuses him of cooperating with Ragab in stealing his money.
As Seif forces his son to divorce Maryam, he falsely claims that she is barren. Hilal tries to avenge his father, so he hits Dahi, while Yahya buys several shops. Maryam's mother is forced to sell her husband's shop due to his severe illness.
Gaber and his wife die; Maryam discovers her pregnancy after her divorce; Hilal thinks of joining the Mountain Wolves; Fares shoots Seif but does not kill him.
Maryam leaves the village after the deaths of her parents, and gives birth to a daughter. Dahi marries Khadija to please his father, and Latifa dies.
Maryam dies, leaving her daughter alone. After several years, an argument breaks out between Seif and Darwish's wife, prompting the latter to burn Seif's stores, so Gibran shoots him dead. Seif suffers from chickenpox.
Seif's illness becomes severe, and Al Mutawa decides to transfer him to the isolation ward. Umm Hilal tells her brother of her desire to leave the country. Meanwhile, Hilal waits for Gibran and Seif to avenge his father, but Seif dies of his illness.
Hilal leads the Mountain Wolves. As Dahi gets infected with chickenpox, Maryam's daughter takes care of him until he is cured and he restores all rights to her family.