Little fox Vuk lives happily among his siblings in their parents' house. As he is more active than others, one day he wanders into the forest alone. Once he arrives home, he discovers that all his...Read more family has disappeared. He realizes that the hunters are responsible, but fortunately for Vuk, his uncle Karak begins to take care of him, and the experienced sheikh brings up Vuk to be the most cunning and successful fox in the forest.
Little fox Vuk lives happily among his siblings in their parents' house. As he is more active than others, one day he wanders into the forest alone. Once he arrives home, he...Read more discovers that all his family has disappeared. He realizes that the hunters are responsible, but fortunately for Vuk, his uncle Karak begins to take care of him, and the experienced sheikh brings up Vuk to be the most cunning and successful fox in the forest.