In season 2, Ola Abdel Sabour returns on a new adventure with her family, as she finds herself forced to work with Karim, the son of her company’s product supplier. Although problems arise between...Read more them in the beginning, their relationship develops and Karim gets closer to her, and at the same time her teenage daughter tries to make her pay attention to her.
Ola's relationship with Hisham improves, and she meets Marwan and discovers his friendship with Hisham. Ola's company's supplier dies, and she is forced to deal with his son Karim, but an argument occurs between them on the first day of work.
In season 2, Ola Abdel Sabour returns on a new adventure with her family, as she finds herself forced to work with Karim, the son of her company’s product supplier. Although...Read more problems arise between them in the beginning, their relationship develops and Karim gets closer to her, and at the same time her teenage daughter tries to make her pay attention to her.