Hussein works at a food truck. Ali attends law school and doesn't want to graduate so he doesn't have to do his military service and lose a scholarship in France. When Omar suffers a heart attack and the hospital calls his kids, Ali and Hussein discover that they are brothers on their father's side.
Ihsan, Ali's mom, and Inayat, Hussein's mom, discover the secret, forcing Omar to tell his sons about his work in forensics, his involvement with Musaad, who asked him to falsify evidence in Habiba Al Kurdi’s murder case, and his wish to come clean so that an innocent person is not executed.
As Omar is killed, Ali and Hussein discover that they have to pay off his debts. Musaad tells Magdy that there is a relationship between Ali and Haneen. Musaad’s men assault Ali and Hussein at the behest of Magdy to hand over the evidence that incriminates the latter, which their father had hidden.
Musaad's men chase Ali and Hussein, and the latter manages to hack into Musaad's phone. In an attempt to win Ali to his side, Magdy offers him a job in his office and gives him the file of Habiba's murder case. Ali tries to contact Khadija, Habiba's relative, to learn more about the case.
It is revealed that Safwat's wife, Sanaa, has cooperated with Magdy to deliberately get Safwat executed. Magdy gives Haneen Safwat's case file to work on with Ali, who obtains permits for Hussein's food cart. Musaad's men break into Ali and Hussein's apartments in search of the evidence that Omar hid.
Magdy plans to control the two brothers by hiring Ali in his office and directing Sanaa to offer Hussein an investment in his project. The brothers reach the nurse who killed Omar and find him murdered. Ali parts ways with Hussein, saying that he will not try to solve the case.
The brothers reconcile when they receive a video of them in the nurse's apartment, and they discover that they are being watched. They decide to continue working with Magdy and Sanaa. Khadija tells Ali about Habiba exposing suspicious deals made by large pharmaceutical companies before she was killed.
Sanaa bargains with Safwat over having Magdy acquit him of the charge in return for giving her Habiba's research on the corrupt pharmaceutical company. The brothers find proof of Safwat's innocence in Magdy's old things, but they put off handing it over to avoid the danger posed by Magdy and Musaad.
Musaad threatens the two brothers that he will harm their family members if they do not bring him evidence of Safwat’s innocence, so they are forced to confess everything to Ihsan and Inayat. Musaad’s men threaten Khadija, so she is forced to return to her family in Mansoura.
The brothers decide that Ali should give the proof of Safwat’s innocence to Magdy Hashish and tell him what he knows about Musaad and his father’s involvement with him without telling him what he knows about Magdy’s involvement in Safwat’s conviction. Magdy presents the proof and Safwat is acquitted.
After it's revealed that Magdy works as a legal advisor and owns shares in the corrupt pharmaceutical company, he pressures Safwat to lure Khadija to tell him the location of Habiba’s research that incriminates the company. The brothers become suspicious of Safwat and try to solve the case again.
Safwat threatens Ali and Hussein with what their father did that led to Safwat going to prison and tells them that he will take revenge. Hussein ends his partnership with Sanaa. Ali quarrels with Magdy for revealing the secret that Omar was the one who framed Safwat. Ihsan finds Magdy in her apartment.
Magdy threatens Ihsan that he won't be able to protect the brothers if they don't stay away from the case, and they tell their moms that they will stay away from it. As Musaad figures out Magdy's plan to keep him in jail or have him executed, he tells him that he knows who killed Habiba and who incited him.
Musaad tells the brothers about the location of Habiba’s laptop, which contains the research. Magdy threatens Ihsan with checks, kicks Inayat out of the apartment, and kidnaps Zain. The brothers discover that Magdy has implicated them in the murder of the nurse, and Ali gives Magdy the laptop.
As Hussein's trial begins, the brothers present Safwat's confession to killing Habiba, and Habiba's research to the prosecution before that, so the defense is able to acquit Hussein and convict Safwat, Magdy, and Sanaa on charges of conspiring to kill Habiba and Omar and trafficking in adulterated drugs.