It is an animated series, in which its events take place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the year 2038, displaying the life of Yamam, his family, and his interesting adventures, which aim to instill...Read more good morals, as Yamam and the smart robot Mersal show a video suitable for each adventure.
Yamam's mother asks her son to welcome their new neighbors. Abu Amloud's family sends them cake. Amloud meets Yamam and robot Mersal. Mazen causes a problem for Yamam and Amloud.
It is an animated series, in which its events take place in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the year 2038, displaying the life of Yamam, his family, and his interesting adventures,...Read more which aim to instill good morals, as Yamam and the smart robot Mersal show a video suitable for each adventure.