Sama and her daughter Mira live in a faraway village under different names to get away from the El Deeb family. Loay, Nazem El Deeb’s son, returns from abroad and refuses to work with his father. The police arrest Nazem. Sama’s father dies of a heart attack. Loay places a tracking device in Sama’s car.
Sama finds Loay at her house, and he threatens her so she will help him get his father out of the hospital. When Rasmeyya kidnaps Mira, Loay barters with Sama for his father’s release in exchange for bringing her daughter. Sama goes undercover to the hospital to try to get Nazem out.
Sama succeeds in smuggling Nazem out of the hospital and transports him in an ambulance, but he dies inside it. Loay learns what happened to his father during the exchange, so he asks Rasmeyya to shoot Mira, but the latter escapes with Sama. Ayman searches Sama's house because he has doubts about her.
Sama tries to commit suicide. Ayman confronts Sama about what she did and she tells him about Mira's murder. Loay buries Nazem and holds a funeral for him. Ghassan asks Ayman to focus on the Ghoul case. Sama tries to shoot Rasmeyya, but she gets arrested.
Sama succeeds in reaching Mira after discovering that she is not dead, and the car turns over with them inside during their attempt to escape. Ayman is killed, while Loay catches Sama and Mira.
Loay tries to get his father's body to bury it and plans to take revenge on Ghoul with the help of Imad. A decision to arrest Sama is made once it is discovered that the bullet that killed Ayman was from her gun.
Loay imprisons Mira in order to force Sama to collaborate with him on a required mission to catch Ghoul and get retribution. They succeed in kidnapping Shadi. Loay and Sama travel to Turkey as a married couple under assumed names.
After meeting Ghoul under assumed names, Loay and Sama thoroughly inspect their room to make sure Ghoul is not watching them and that there are no listening devices installed. Both get kidnapped while carrying out a special operation for Ghoul.
Laila kidnaps Loay and Sama and asks them to kill Ghoul in return for making them big drug dealers. As she turns out to be Ghoul's daughter, Ghada, who did this to test them, Ghoul cooperates with them. Rasmeyya and Mira's relationship improves. Ghassan gives Azzam the 2024 case file after Ayman's death.
Loay and Sama attack Haram and kidnap him. Haram learns that Loay is Nazem's son. Loay threatens to kill Haram‘s mother if he tells anyone his secret.
Ghoul reaches Sama and Loay after they disappear, and Sama tries to take Ghoul’s fingerprint. Haram seeks to protect his mother, and Rasmeyya takes Mira to the hospital after she is injured.
Haram informs Ghoul of the truth about Loay and Sama, and Ghoul discovers that all the money and drugs inside his safe have been burned. Loay is injured while trying to escape with Sama. Azzam keeps an eye on Rasmeyya in order to reach Sama.
Imad goes to rescue Sama and Loay, and the latter shoots Ghoul. Imad and Haram take Ghoul to get him treated. Rasmeyya takes Mira and goes near the border to meet Sama.
Imad tells Loay and Sama to return to Lebanon quickly to avoid Ghoul's vengeance. Mira learns her grandpa's died. Haram threatens Rasmeyya that he'll kill El Hoot in jail so she gives him Mira. Loay admits his guilt to protect Sama as she's arrested by Ghassan, who demands they catch Ghoul to be pardoned.
Loay succeeds in kidnapping Ghada. Ghoul threatens Loay that he will kill Sama to get him to return Ghada to him. Rasmeyya kills Haram. Sama is imprisoned and comes out after the end of her sentence to find Mira and Loay waiting for her.