In season 4, Bash and Mags join forces to rescue John and Jane Doe, who were found in the woods. As Bash jumps into a sinkhole to rescue trapped people, Mags faces a difficult personal choice while...Read more trying to contain a potential crisis in the Emergency Department. On the other hand, Theo helps a boxer with chest pain.
Bash and Mags work together to rescue John and Jane Doe after they were found in the woods, while Theo is looking forward to start working at the hospital after being suspended from work and turning to treating patients virtually.
Favourite OSN TV One Channel | Tuesday 10 December | 08:15 AM | Reminder |
In season 4, Bash and Mags join forces to rescue John and Jane Doe, who were found in the woods. As Bash jumps into a sinkhole to rescue trapped people, Mags faces a difficult...Read more personal choice while trying to contain a potential crisis in the Emergency Department. On the other hand, Theo helps a boxer with chest pain.