Murad robs Bahjat's house, kills Farida, and escapes. Bahjat becomes suspicious of the Colonel, so Murad steals the latter's rosary to prove the accusation against him. Murad's wife, Hanaa, finds Farida's gold in the warehouse, so her mother informs the police and saves the Colonel from execution.
The Colonel proposes marriage to Abu Dalal's daughter, and her father is afraid of his daughter's hair problem getting discovered, while her mother wants to get her hair extensions before the wedding, but Dalal tells the Colonel everything, which improves the situation between him and the bride's father.
Tarif treats his wife violently and beats her. She asks for a divorce from him, and Hazem proposes to marry her. It turns out that Tarif suffers from impotence, which was why he hit his wife.
Bakri files a complaint against his uncle Abu Al Ezz, accusing him of seizing the money he inherited from his father, but it turns out that his uncle paid all the money to his father, and the Colonel rules between them.
As Hilal's wife gives birth to four daughters, his mother tries to persuade him to marry another woman so that she can bear him a son, but his wife gives birth to a boy, ending her conflict with his mother.
Masked men attack the soldier Aouni in the neighborhood, steal his weapon, and sell it to Medhat. The Colonel tries to solve the problem after discovering that Medhat is blackmailing Aouni.
Joriya suffers the ridicule of the neighborhood's people due to her spinsterhood and her old age until she meets the neighborhood's doctor, Sultan, who proposes to her. She stipulates that her mother must stay with her and tells him that the suitors have fled from her because of this condition.
Samiha succeeds in coming between the two brothers, Faraj and Hamdan, and makes her husband, Hamdan, expel Faraj from the house, but the latter continues to defend his brother when a group of thugs intend to beat him, and Hamdan discovers that Samiha has cheated on him.
The two sisters, Sharifa and Afifa, try to trap the barber, Mohsen, and the vegetable merchant into marrying them before it's too late, but the wives of the two men find out about it, so they teach them a lesson they will never forget.
Noura is forced to live in her brother Abu Subhi's house after her divorce. His wife, Mufidah, becomes jealous and decides to ruin Noura's reputation so that Abu Subhi will expel her. She claims that there is a relationship between her and Mansour in order to discredit Noura.
Warda suffers her stepmother's harsh treatment and is forced to accept the marriage proposal of Nasuh in order to escape her humiliation, but she is surprised by his cruelty and his drinking until an accident happens to him that straightens out his act.
The people refuse to deal with Abu Zakwan due to his stinginess and bad behavior, and when his shop is robbed, he claims in front of his children that he is paralyzed, putting them through a difficult test to find out who loves him and who seeks to care for him during his illness.
Halim finds Hasna's gold necklace and hands it to the neighborhood head. He refuses to receive a reward for his honesty, so Abu Ramzi offers him a job with him for his honesty and marries off his daughter Hasna to him.
Abu Riad (Riad's father) is a cruel and difficult man, who tries to force his son Riad to marry his cousin Batoul, but Riad joins the police and leaves the house, which saddens Abu Riad, and he regrets what he did to his only son.
After Abu Samo's house is damaged by the earthquake, Abu Mohamed hosts him in his house, but the latter's son objects to this, treats Samo badly, and harasses his sister Rehana, forcing Abu Samo to leave the house, after which Abu Mohamed forces his son to marry Rehana.