Amidst comedic chaos and quirky adversaries, Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad embark on a surreal journey to unravel the secrets behind a strange phenomenon that aims at creating plants with...Read more human-like intelligence, battling tech tycoon Neil and his sidekick, Elmer.
Favourite OSN TV Movies Action Channel | Sunday 5 January | 04:20 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Movies Action Channel | Sunday 5 January | 07:30 PM | Reminder |
Amidst comedic chaos and quirky adversaries, Master Shake, Frylock, and Meatwad embark on a surreal journey to unravel the secrets behind a strange phenomenon that aims at creating...Read more plants with human-like intelligence, battling tech tycoon Neil and his sidekick, Elmer.