Saeed wants to marry Saeeda, the daughter of his stingy cousin Salloum, who does not want to pay for his daughter's marriage, so Saeed bears all of it. Hamid proposes to Saeeda despite the age difference between them, but her father refuses.
Saeed and Saeeda's wedding takes place, while Amin, Saeed's co-worker, tries to convince him not to get married so that he can live freely, but Saeed goes through with it and incurs the many expenses of the wedding.
The doctor tells Saeed that his wife is pregnant, and advises him to fulfill all her requests so that it does not affect her mood. Khadija, Khalfan’s wife, gets closer to Saeeda and they become friends.
As Saeeda gives birth to twins, Saeed finds himself in the middle of a whirlpool of expenses, so Khalfan offers him to be his partner in a new project to improve his financial situation. Saeed asks Salloum to lend him money so that he can invest it with Khalfan.
After Saeeda asks Saeed to hire a maid to help her, she neglects all her household duties. Khadija asks her husband Khalfan to buy a car and hire a driver for her. Salloum refuses to bring a maid for his wife so that he does not pay her salary.
Abdullah and Saeed berate Amin for staying up late and for his tardiness at work, so the latter invites Saeed to stay up with him, which upsets Saeeda. Meanwhile, Khadija goes to bed early, which annoys Khalfan, who finds nothing to do.
As a result of Saeed staying up late every night, Saeeda leaves the house, while Salloum intervenes to reconcile them. He scolds Saeed for staying up late, and Saeed and Saeeda’s parents try to intervene and patch things up between them.
Khalfan quarrels with his wife for interfering in the affairs of her neighbors and relaying their news. As Khalfan's son beats Saeed's son, Khalfan reconciles them and insists on Khadija apologizing to Saeeda, as the two wives cause problems between Saeed and Khalfan.
As a result of her illiteracy, Saeeda throws important papers related to Saeed's work in the garbage, so Saeed suggests that she join a literacy center. Noura is forced to live in her sister Khadija's house after her divorce.
Saeed's financial situation becomes difficult, so Saeeda suggests that he work after hours as a taxi driver, but Salloum rides in the car every day and Saeed does not earn any extra income.
After Salloum asks Saeed to help him buy land, news spreads that Saeed has received a large inheritance. As Salloum’s coveting Saeed’s inheritance becomes evident, he asks him to buy the land with his money, but everyone discovers that there is a mistake in the name.
Saeed urges Saeeda to treat his two sons well, listen to them, and give them enough money so that they do not think about stealing to meet their needs. Fahd suffers from his father Salloum’s strict treatment and interference in his affairs.
Khalfan falls ill and refuses his wife's request to go to the doctor. Salloum also refuses to see a doctor so as not to pay money. They neglect their health until it deteriorates and they are forced to go to the hospital.
Saeed complains to Abdullah that Saeeda is neglecting him, not performing her duties towards him, and only caring about the house and the two children, so Saeed threatens her with marrying another woman. Salloum insists on wearing his cloak so that no one will call him stingy.
The three wives Saeeda, Khadija, and Saeeda's mother meet and decide to teach their husbands a lesson they will never forget by refraining from fulfilling their requests and leaving home so that the three husbands are forced to do all the household chores.
The three wives regret leaving home and neglecting their young children, and the three husbands decide to apologize to their wives so that they will return home.