The film explores the fractured Lunies family, each facing personal struggles. Lissy copes with her husband Gerd's decline and her own terminal illness. Their son Tom, a conductor, works on a...Read more composition titled "Dying" while stepping into a father role for his ex's child. Daughter Ellen is involved in a troubled affair with a married man. As death approaches, the estranged family reunites to confront their complex history.
The film explores the fractured Lunies family, each facing personal struggles. Lissy copes with her husband Gerd's decline and her own terminal illness. Their son Tom, a conductor,...Read more works on a composition titled "Dying" while stepping into a father role for his ex's child. Daughter Ellen is involved in a troubled affair with a married man. As death approaches, the estranged family reunites to confront their complex history.
MoreGuild Film Prize - Berlin International Film Festival 2024
Silver Berlin Bear - Berlin International Film Festival 2024