Adapted from Frank Herbert's epic novel, Dune tells the story of the land of Arrakis and its valuable substance that can be found nowhere else. When the Harkonnens want to claim the planet and the...Read more valuable 'spice', Paul Atreides must set out to save both and avenge his father's death.
Favourite OSN TV Movies Premiere Channel | Thursday 30 January | 03:20 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Movies Premiere Channel | Thursday 30 January | 09:40 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Movies Premiere Channel | Saturday 1 February | 05:00 AM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Movies Premiere Channel | Saturday 1 February | 04:20 PM | Reminder | |
Favourite OSN TV Movies Premiere Channel | Saturday 1 February | 11:10 PM | Reminder |
Adapted from Frank Herbert's epic novel, Dune tells the story of the land of Arrakis and its valuable substance that can be found nowhere else. When the Harkonnens want to claim...Read more the planet and the valuable 'spice', Paul Atreides must set out to save both and avenge his father's death.