Set in the small, economically depressed town of Odessa, Texas, the film follows the heroic story of the 1988 Permian High School Panthers football team as they made a run towards the state...Read more championship, with the support and obsession of the city's people.
A look at the personal and professional lives of the female wrestlers who work at a wrestling organization in LA.
A young football star is having the most critical challenge when he gets recruited into another school’s team, and finds out he must play against his old one.
The story follows middle-aged Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence who find themselves competing in martial arts again, long after their 1984 Valley Karate Tournament match.
An ex-MMA fighter moves into the other side of the ropes as a trainer, goes the extra mile to keep his gym going, and his family together.
After he has no place left to go, the burned-out former baseball pitcher Kenny Powers returns to his hometown in Shelby, North Carolina, where he ends up working as a substitute gym teacher at his old...Read more school, while he attempts to have a Major League comeback.
The series revolves around a group of football players, their families and friends, the dramatic situations and sporting challenges they go through, and various events in their lives.