Movies About Kids Who Make Friends With Monsters

  • 10. How to Train Your Dragon

  • 8.3
  • The unlikely friendship between the young Viking Hiccup, who was raised to believe that dragons must be slayed, and a dangerous and rare dragon, Night Fury.

  • 9. Pete's Dragon

  • 7.6
      • مصري
      • All Ages
      • تقييمنا
      • Adult Supervision
      • MPAA
      • PG
  • An orphan boy escapes from his adopted family, as a result of mistreating him, in his escape journey, he gets help from a pet dinosaur, who is helping him to escape from his house to the world of...Read more freedom and to get away from his adoptive parents.

  • Trailer

  • 8. Pan's Labyrinth

  • 6.3
      • MPAA
      • R
  • Set in 1944 Spain, when Ofelia, who's fascinated with fairy tales, moves with her mother to the house of her ruthless new stepfather, she's taken to a faun who tells her that she is a princess and...Read more must complete three tasks to prove her royalty.

  • 7. Gremlins

  • 5.3
      • MPAA
      • PG
  • As Randall looks for an unusual Christmas gift for his son, he buys him a furry creature with three specific instructions to care for it. When Randall unknowingly breaks these rules, a group of...Read more demonic beings emerge from its body wreaking havoc all over the place.

  • 6. The Wizard of Oz

  • 7.5
      • مصري
      • All Ages
  • After a violent hurricane, Dorothy and her dog, Toto find themselves in the magical land of Oz, where she meets three new friends, and together they embark on a journey to search for the Wizard of Oz...Read more who is the only one able to return Dorothy home, and help her newfound friends.

  • 5. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

  • 8.4
      • MPAA
      • PG
  • In the third part of the Harry Potter series, the little wizard returns. He is spending his summer vacation with the Dursleys. He is then obligated to perform illicit spells and decides to leave...Read more Hogwarts, to try and solve his problem. Things get more complicated when Sirius Black escapes the Wizards' Prison.

  • 4. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

  • 8.2
      • MPAA
      • PG-13
  • Seventy years before Harry Potter enters the world of Hogwarts, writer Newt Scamander attends a meeting held in New York City to discuss the emergence of fantastic beats that threaten the world of...Read more magicians and commoners alike. But Newt sees something other than danger and threat in those creatures.

  • Trailer

  • 3. A Monster Calls

  • 7.2
      • MPAA
      • PG-13
  • Connor struggles at school with bullies and at home with his mother's sickness. He starts fighting his feelings of guilt and anger and facing those who bully him at school. However, his biggest...Read more problem is his inability to tell the truth and to acknowledge problems, so Connor seeks the help of a tree monster to overcome his problems.

  • Trailer

  • 2. The BFG

  • 6.7
      • MPAA
      • PG
  • A kind giant adopts an orphaned young girl and brings her to Giant Country, where they work to halt the invasion of the human world by man-eating giants.

  • Trailer

  • 1. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

  • 6.5
      • مصري
      • All Ages
      • MPAA
      • PG
  • An alien is accidentally left behind on earth, and befriended by a boy named Elliott and later he meets his brother and sister. E.T. tries to get used to life on earth while trying hard to return...Read more home.

  • Trailer