After a horrific school trip, a series of paranormal phenomena take place and several terrors are unleashed, during which a girl and her friends are chased by a Jinn seeking to control their bodies...Read more and souls.
Set in Upper Egypt, the series follows Rouh, a girl connected to the world of Jin and demons, who stirs a lot of trouble and tension between the locals with her spells.
The events revolve around Officer Mo'taz who is assigned to investigate sudden frequent fire cases at a local neighborhood. There, he quarrels with the sorcerer Shams, after which his life goes from...Read more bad to worse.
A doctor travels to a damned hamlet, where there are no newborns, with many cases of girls and men possessed by Jinn, all of whom say that there is a woman who speaks to them and that she wants to...Read more take revenge on the whole hamlet.
A sci-fi series that tells the story of Dr. Yassin, who heads a medical team that manufactures vaccines to combat dangerous viruses.
While attempting to help her friend who has been possessed, a presenter soon finds herself embroiled in an unusual world filled with Jinn and ghosts, sending her on a journey that sees her exposed to...Read more sorcery and charlatanism.
Set in the 1960s; Paranormal follows the adventures of Dr. Refaat Ismail, a professor of hematology, as he comes up against various supernatural events with the help of his Scottish old flame, Maggie.
Adam Yassin is a journalist and a translator who has an interest in the paranormal. As he pursues freak accidents and strange occurrences, even those that happened long ago, his investigations...Read more occasionally bring him into conflict with the police.