The film follows the life of baseball player Jackie Robinson, and how he wrote down history as the first African-American to play in Major League,playing with the Brooklyn Dodger under the management...Read more of Branch Rickey.
In a futuristic set, Winston Smith rebels against the totalitarian laws enforced on him as he falls in love with Julia.
Set in the 21st century; the lives of a number of strangers from all over the world are connected and influenced by one another through a series of random encounters.
The incredible true story of thirty-three miners who got trapped inside the San José Mine in Chile for more than two months, and how they struggle to survive while the rescue team races to save them...Read more in time.
As Cathy, an ingenious contractor who opens her own new business, gets kidnapped, she finds herself confined to a narrow room of no more than ten feet. But the story becomes more complicated when...Read more Lewis, her kidnapper, shows up.
Five carnival workers find themselves inside a twisted game where the stakes determine their survival. Kidnapped right before Halloween, they are forced to participate in a deadly game that challenges...Read more them to survive for 12 hours against a gaggle of sadistic maniacs.
In a bid to get control of his wife's land, Wilfred pressures his teenage son to take part in his plot to murder his wife. But the crime soon comes to haunt him as misfortune seems to befall him and...Read more the farm and strange occurrences plague him, proving that no crime goes unpunished.